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Police Check - Missing Docs

Guest wfourie

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Guest wfourie

When we sent for our police check last year, when we lodged app, Scotland Yard sent us a confirmation/receipt and our driving licenses back within 1 week and the certificates followed after the 40 days. We needed new certs so sent off again direct to Scotland Yard (like before) This was 2 weeks ago and still not had a receipt or my driving licenses back. Anyone else who has recently applied have they changed the process? do they send it all back at the same time now? Very worried that the docs have gone missing in the post. Tried to phone the helpline however just goes straight to answer phone.


Thanks for any help


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Guest Neil Meadowcroft



It took nearly 45 days for the police check to come back, last year only took 15 days. Receipt and driving licence came back seperate about 10 days apart.



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Guest Pasty

Hi Becca


We applied for our police checks this year and they took 32 days to come back, they allow themselves 40 days to get back to you and if you've not heard by then, you need to let them know and I guess they will chase on your behalf. We actually received our receipts for the checks AFTER we had got the checks themselves back and sent onto Adelaide!


Hope this helps



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  • 1 year later...

hi pep

please could someone tell me when is the right time to send off for police checks how far along should you be as i realise they only last 12 months iv got form47sk to fill in but dont know when to send off as i know they take time to come back

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Guest clayton gang
When we sent for our police check last year, when we lodged app, Scotland Yard sent us a confirmation/receipt and our driving licenses back within 1 week and the certificates followed after the 40 days. We needed new certs so sent off again direct to Scotland Yard (like before) This was 2 weeks ago and still not had a receipt or my driving licenses back. Anyone else


Hi Becca


We also had to reapply for our police checks. Our run out on the 28th June. We took them along to our local police station with our cheque and received the letter of confirmation 3 days later. They are due back the 18th June. I f I was you I would see if you can chase it up somehow


Jenny :spinny:

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Guest clayton gang
hi pep

please could someone tell me when is the right time to send off for police checks how far along should you be as i realise they only last 12 months iv got form47sk to fill in but dont know when to send off as i know they take time to come back


Hi Melpaul


I would apply for your police checks around the same as your medicals or just after. They go by the earliest date, either your medicas or your police checks fir entry to Aus.


Hope this helps.



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Guest clayton gang
:embarrassed:thanks jenny but when will they ask for medics do you send them with form47sk

thanke mel


Hi Mel


We are going on a 136 visa. We sent out application off, then we had to wait to be allocated a case officer. Once we had a c/o we got the the request to sort out medicals.

We did our police checks to early so have had to have them redone.



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