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ping pong oz


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we moved back to the uk in Dec 2010 after nearly 2 years in Brisbane, we was home sick and my daughter was still studying in the uk. we got our PR then went back to the uk, didnt miss oz one bit until now!

the uk is 'home' but there is nothing in this country for us and for my children so we are pondering if we should up root and move back to Oz, but we was thinking trying Melbourne this time as Brisbane was a little to hot for us,

whats peoples thoughts ?? thanks

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Guest guest59652

Its a tough one. It is one of those things sometimes where you just want to get back and try somewhere new. Why did you leave last time - what has changed in your mind? People can emigrate to other countries other than Australia, if you want cooler.

My thoughts are - have you just got to chance of a decent future in the uk. Uprooting again and trying again is great, if you have done it before you know what you are letting yourself in for. The effect on your children keep moving may unsettle them and make it harder for them to gain consistency.

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Guest guest59652

Good luck whatever you choose. You seem downbeat about the uk at the moment. I have realised from this site that plenty of people go through the same ups, downs and dilemmas.

There must be plenty of users who have gone back to the uk only to return back to oz, those who have returned to uk knowing full well that its a tougher economical climate to survive inand had a new found appreciation. A lot of people who come back made sure they had citizenship. pR also give advantages but depends on if your arrival date is still valid or if you need to go through the formality of the resident return visa (RRV).

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Its a tough call. Ask yourself what made you moved to Australia, and write on a notepad why you came back to England. From there see how many of them points you can now cross off (such as your daughter WAS studying but now isn't). Write on two separate pages why you want to go, and what makes you want to stay. I always make better and quicker decisions when i have the problem/dilemma visually placed out in front of me :)

It will always be a bit of a risk to leave, would you want to take the chance for better happiness, or think in ten years time with regret "Why didn't we go back?"


I spent 3 weeks in Melbourne and 2 in Goldcoast just south of Brisbane. Both places were beautiful in different ways. Brisbane is amazing but it feels too much of a holiday city for me. I thoroughly loved Melbourne for what it is and I can definitely see myself living there when I am older. I would definitely say living in Melbourne would be a safer and better option than going back to Brisbane. The weather is cooler too :) Saying this I was in Melbourne during their winter and was experiencing 20*C weather.. But that is higher than usual. I'd say they have the perfect weather in Victoria, winters are not cold and their summers get a good bit of sun. Final thing I would like to leave with you about Melbourne is this...




I hope my post helps you in your decision, and feel free to ask for any more advice if I can give you any :)

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A lot of people go home and then return and not all of them are membes of PIO. Sometimes people have to lay the ghost.


Friend of my oh went back stayed 2 years and then came back now his oh refuses to even visit UK.


We have lived in Melbourne for over thirty years and we would not live anywhere else. Love all of Australia but Melbourne is the place to be, gives us the seasons of the year which means we can always have something to look forward to.


When we get the really hot days in summer its a dry heat so easier to take and we know that the cool change is coming soon.

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thanks for the replies, what areas in Melbourne would you suggest ? we would like some english people rd us lol thanks


It will really depend on where you get to work, Melbourne is such a vast area. Mornington, Mount Martha, on the Peninsula are both popular suburbs, Point Cook in the west as well. Frankston has always been a magnate for Brits as well. In fact if you go to the Karingal Shopping Centre most of the elderly are Brits who migrated yonks ago.


These are only some, actually you would be hard pressed not to find Brits in Melbourne they settle all over the place. Also the forums allow friendships to form and provide acquaintances to meet on arrival.

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If you have no problem finding work anywhere and prefer the UK's climate, then maybe Tasmania might suit you? I've never been there, sadly, but I think the climate is cooler. You will still experience hott summers in Melbourne. You might come back out to OZ and end up wanting to move back to Brisbane, after trying Melbourne (or anywhere else in OZ?)

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