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Which company to use!??

magic tiler

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Hi, every1 i'm very new to this so if these questions have been asked many times,please forgive me, my wife and I are just at the start of the moving to oz process, I am a skilled tiler with 16 years exp, i have filled in a couple of forms and been told that I should score enouth points in get in!

But what is the best company to use, and has any1 used global visas or emmergration group!?

Does evrybody sell there house in the uk?

As we were thinking of renting it out, while we rent in oz til we were settled!

what was the aveage in total of cost to emmergrating?

We are trying to get as much info as we can asap so all comments welcome!!!

Thank U!:spinny:

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi and welcome to the forum, in regards to agents I would look at Alan Collett, George Lombard or Raul (ABA) all are members on here and are reputable companies.

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Hi and welcome to pio!


We Used Go Matilda to get our visas and found them excellent.

We can't sell our business / home so we are leasing / renting so as our visa does not expire and then maybe sell at a later date. Our asset will still be in the uk and our mortgage will be getting paid in the uk so we have a bi of a safety net if we have to come back for whatever reason.


The process of moving is very expensive these are our costs so far and we have been waiting for 3 years to make the move. Some of the prices are in £ and $ and are approx as far as I can remember!! We r a family of 4


Migration agent £1500

Visas $2000

medicals £ 400

Police checks £100

Reccie because we couldn't move within the year of visa granted £ 6000

Removals £ 4000

Insurance and quarantine costs for removals £ 600

Flights £ 2200

Holiday let and car hire for 4 weeks £ 1000

4 weeks rent plus bond for new rental $ 4000

New car $ 7000


Then we've got uniforms school books odds and sods when you first arrive prob need about £ 2000 for that.


Then there's the cost to close my business down and remortgage to a buy to let etc which is not becoming cheap!


Its frightening when you write it all down and if I did this before I started the process then I may not be at this point now however things get paid at different times and you have time to save while you wait for your visa. In the grand scheme of things it's a small price to pay to alter the rest of your life.


Go for it and good luck it's def a roller coaster !!

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Hi we used Visa Bureau to get our visas, I think we paid £3000ish in total to them

medicals for 2 adults and 2 kids £ 700 ish

police checks £ 70

Removals (not the black company) £3300ish

Now selling our house to pay for container and flights.

As previously said you don't have to pay these costs all at once so it is manageable.

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