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WHV with a Minor criminal charge 2yrs ago-Withheld Adjudication (not a conviction)


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HI, Im a little worried about my case.


I want to apply to Working Holiday Visa in Australia, but I have a crminial charge in my record.


Its was not a conviction, it was a Withheld Adjudication.


I would like to know If still have to declare it on past convction on the application form? (even if it was not a conviction)


The charge was cannabis possession (2 years ago) less than 20g.

I had no imprisoment time, only had to pay a fine and I paid it.

The case is Closed! It happens in the US while my visiting.


Only one time, never had any other kind trouble.


I would like to know if this would implie upon my visa application or if I could get the visa refused because of it.


Seriously waiting on some answers. :err:


Thanks all posters in advance.

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