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PLEASE HELP! has anyone gone from a working holiday visa to a 457 in aus?

Guest Diddy1986

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Guest Diddy1986

Hi All, I would really like some advice, I have been reading up on various other posts and the immigration website and I am still baffled as to how this all works.

Me & my partner went to Perth for a 3 week holiday just recently, prior to this he already had contacts with potential employers so whilst we was there he attended interviews etc, he has got a job and is hoping to go out on a working holiday visa in October, the potential employer has said once he has worked for them for a month, if he likes my partner and via versa then they will sponsor him on a 457.

Has anyone else been in this situation???

The reason as to why I am stressing is because we have two lovely doggies which we are bringing with us, I haven’t started the process with them yet but will do by the end of the month. My partner is leaving me behind to go and start work for this employer soon, the reason why I am staying behind is because of the doggies and was hoping to be out by December with them as well, but me obviously on a working holiday until his got the 457 sponsorship.

I have heard from different people about the defacto partner etc saying we need to prove this and that but I do not think this is relevant as I will be going onto his 457 as a 2nd applicant?

Any advice would be very much appreciated!!! :confused::arghh:


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In order to be included as the second applicant on his 457 visa, you have to prove that you are his DeFacto partner.


I would wait until you know that the 457 is happening before even thinking about shipping the dogs. Nothing is guaranteed at this stage. Though by all means get the vet checks and jabs etc sorted so that when you get the visa you can get going straight away.


It would not be fair on the dogs to get out there, spend ages in quarantine, and then get shipped straight back becaus ethe employer has changed his mind and you can't get a work visa.


Do you ahve someone who could look after the dogs and send them on after you get the visa? So that you don't have to spend so much time apart from your partner?

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