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A new Liverpool gal and family new to Darwin and Poms in Oz.

Michelle Cholet

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Well we're finally here in Sunny Darwin. :jiggy:


After packing up two houses, selling our house in liverpool (or trying to) and shipping all our worldly goods including the car to Darwin i can safely say i'm done with moving!


I'm originally from Liverpool and Married to a fellow Scouser. We have two Children - Ethan aged 7 and Chloe aged 4.



Over the past 12 Years we have lived in various African Countries due to my husbands job, most recently Tanzania in East Africa where we spent the last 5 years which we thouroughly loved........... well apart from the daily 12 hour power cuts, water shortages and fuel shortages. Ha ha!



In November last year, we decided that whilst we loved Africa, we didn't want to spend another 10 years in a developing country while the children were at an age were education was not the best, and my husbands job would only ever offer African countries. We therefore decided to explore other options such as Canada and Australia and thankfully a job offer came up in Darwin which we obviously decided to go for.

We then had to pack up our rented house in Tanzania and have it shipped to the UK where we could consolidate all our goods as we would then have to pack up our house in Liverpool and send altogether to Darwin (which we are hoping to receive soon) We then said goodbye to some good friends who were also moving on to new pastures around the world and took the kids out of their school and finally left for the UK before Easter.



Once we arrived back in Liverpool we then had our house to sell and pack up. We knew that we wouldn't be going out to Darwin till End July so i decided to put the kids into a local school which they settled into really quickly and seemed to love. My husband then travelled to Australia for 12 weeks to start his job as well as sort a house for us etc. while i sorted things back in Liverpool. He then returned for a week to pick us all up and finally get out to Australia. We finally said our goodbye's to family and friends who were so supportive through this whole process but sad to see us go again.



We finally arrived in Darwin about 10 days ago and so far things are looking good although i'm sure there will be ups and downs. I have managed to work my way around town and elsewhere in a hire car and it seems relatively easy to find places as it's well sign posted (unlike Tanzania with bad roads and roads with no names) :wacko:

The kids are enjoying all the lovely parks which are so clean and tidy and generally well looked after. The kids will be starting school in the next week or two which will give us the opportunity to meet new people as we've not really met anybody yet although we've not been here long. So if there are any people out there living in Darwin or are new to Darwin who have kids let me know as i'd love to find out more about darwin life and meet new people..... plus the kids are driving me mad. Ha Ha! Love em really! :chatterbox:


The weather here is gorgeous and very similar to Tanzania as they too have a dry season and wet season which gets particularly hot and humid towards the end of the year with lots of tropical storms etc so hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a shock to us but you never know.



I had a look at the poms in oz website on numerous occasions while we were waiting for visa's etc and read some interesteing and funny threads keeping me motivated through the what seemed like a long wait. Now we are here i've finally got my backside into gear to join. Woohoo!


Anyway looking forward to starting our new adventure down under and enjoying life.




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Guest Guest31881



Welcome to PIO.


Its good to hear that you are settling in OK, There will be ups and downs as with any move, but if your kids are happy then you are halfway down the road to a happy life.


We do have a few members from that area and i hope they see you post and get in touch, Its would be good for you to hear from others in your area.

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Thanks for the response,


yeah we're slowly settling into Darwin life and hopefully once our shipment arrives we'll be even more settled. I always say it takes at least 6 months to a year to get familiar and build up a network of friends in a new country. With all that is going on in Darwin i'm sure that time will go quickly.


Hopefully through PIO i'll get to meet a few new people along the way.



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