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Medical and Medical Insurance Q's


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Hi my partner and i are currently looking for sponsorship then failing that state sponsorship and i just wanted to get some help regarding medical issues.


I'm currently being investigated for recurrent dizziness, had a clear MRI and they think its a neurological disorder that cant be treated so no medication required and its not life threatening or gets worse etc its just a personal battle more than anything, would this be a problem passing a medical and would i have a huge medical insurance bill?


Also my partner had a workplace injury which did damage to his hand but hes always worked through it apart from time off for operations, hes on the mend now and shouldnt need any further ops etc, but he is a boilermaker so works with his hands will this be a problem for employers and insurance. Hes also had trigger finger which has been operated on and released on the other hand again on the mend.


So i guess im just concerned we may not pass the medical or the insurance premiums are going to be too high.


Any help or advice much appreciated

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