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A Newbie


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I've been floating around different sites about Australia for about a year now. I did join this site before but never posted on it. After the changes to the SOL last year I felt that our opportunity to emigrate to Australia had been taken away my husband was also unsure so I hadn't looked into it too much. Now, however, my husband has said that he would like to apply and it seems that with the introduction of the changes this year that it is a possibility again.


My husband will be the main applicant, he is a chef with nearly 26 years experience. At the moment we are waiting for the SA's State Migration Plan to be released to see whether my husbands trade is still listed on it as we both feel that this is where we would like to go. I'm a swimming teacher, but I haven't taught recently as I have been looking after our three children, who are currently 6, 4 and 2. I also have a step daughter who lives with her Mum and she is 14, we are hoping to include her on our visa application so will probably use an agent to make sure we don't miss anything out.


Look forward to chatting to you all and sorry for the long message lol.



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Guest PommieLou


I've been floating around different sites about Australia for about a year now. I did join this site before but never posted on it. After the changes to the SOL last year I felt that our opportunity to emigrate to Australia had been taken away my husband was also unsure so I hadn't looked into it too much. Now, however, my husband has said that he would like to apply and it seems that with the introduction of the changes this year that it is a possibility again.


My husband will be the main applicant, he is a chef with nearly 26 years experience. At the moment we are waiting for the SA's State Migration Plan to be released to see whether my husbands trade is still listed on it as we both feel that this is where we would like to go. I'm a swimming teacher, but I haven't taught recently as I have been looking after our three children, who are currently 6, 4 and 2. I also have a step daughter who lives with her Mum and she is 14, we are hoping to include her on our visa application so will probably use an agent to make sure we don't miss anything out.


Look forward to chatting to you all and sorry for the long message lol.




Welcome to PIO! :smile: I moved out here before finding this site and have only been a member for a few weeks but I've already found it to be really useful and not only full of information, but also people in similar situations. It's always nice to chat to some folks from back home and help in any way I can!


I hope you get your Visa and enjoy life in Oz. I'm in rural SA and I can assure you I have found everyone to be very friendly, very welcoming, accommodating, accepting etc. The Aussie's are a great bunch of people. I should know, I married one! :wink: LOL!


Good luck with everything :smile:

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I have just noticed that the SMP for SA has been reopened pending the further changes they wish to make. Unfortunately we can't apply with my husbands job as it's now only open to students who have studied in SA and are working there. I can't imagine that this will change when they will release the actual one but will keep watching... will be looking at some of the others now and hope that there will be opportunities there... fingers crossed.

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