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My MIL asked to arrive tomorrow - realised she couldn't fit it in and cancelled

"sigh" of relief

Then booked herself for a week in a week's time

Rang today realising ORIGIN reared it's head, and we may be busy

Now I've been married 30 years, in that time I've shared my husband with his parents

always said yes around whatever suited them

Here's the thing -- my husband can stand 4 hours maxwith MIL

And inhales 5 weeks with my mum - she gets high on what I drink, tea is on time

I get to a higher plane and no complaint

i guess the question is.... he loves his mum

Why is it up to me to carry the over****e when he has had enough


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lol, i use to call my hubby the chosen one! He was exactly the same, he use to invite his parents over, spend 5 mins talking to them and then push off down the shed :mad: and leave me talking to two people that i had nothing to say to! Use to drive me mad. He soon stopped once i started to make plans to go out and leave him to it :biglaugh: We are lucky if we see them for 2 hours once a month now lol You have my sympathy x

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