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how to start off the process


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I know this has been asked lots of times, but my nephew and his fiance are wanting to emmigrate to Perth. He's a fully qualified electrical engineer and his job is on the demand list, his fiance is a fully qualified beauty threapist but her job isn't on the demand list. They have been living together for a year now.(so she would be his defacto(i think)) where do they start and what is the 1st form they have to fill out. They're not going through an agent, due to money and costs.

Any help in the right direction would be grateful.


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Guest siamsusie



Giving this a wee bump for you.. Sorry cant answer your questions but hopefully someone can shortly


Best wishes


Susie x

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He should first of all make sure he can pass the points test as that will tell him if he is going to need employer sponsorship (if he's well short - which he shouldn't be) or state sponsorship (if he needs an additional 5 points). State sponsored visas are also granted faster than most other visas so they're also very worthwhile from that point of view - WA is sponsoring Electrical Engineers who have 3 year's experience out of the last 5 years.

http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-test.pdf Points test


He will almost certainly need to do IELTS in order to get enough points so that would be a good place to begin the actual process. He'll also need IELTS for WA state sponsorship.


Step 2 is to get skills assessment from Engineers Australia - that can be done concurrently with IELTS as if he's British, he won't need it for skills assessment. He must have skills assessment before he can lodge a visa application and before he can apply for WA state sponsrship if he decides to go for a state sponsored visa.

http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/about-us/role-activities/msa/msa_home.cfm Skills assessment


Step 3 is to get WA state sponsorship if he wants/needs it:

http://www.dtwd.wa.gov.au/skilledmigration/detcms/navigation/skilled-migration/ WA state sponsorship


Then, once he has all his ducks in a row, he can apply for a visa.

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