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Case Officer For Finalisation

Guest ozi8will

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Guest ozi8will

Hi all,


We were allocated a C/O for finalisation on 23/03/11, medicals went in 5 weeks ago (or so), then police checks and further evidence in the form of HMRC pay and tax info, for 2 year experience period went in on 01/06/11.


Does any1 know how long it usually takes for a decision & whether they will possibly ask for more info???


thanks all


Will (bec & rub's)

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Unless they ask for more info, then it can take a few weeks.


at this time of year however they can be a bit economical with the giving out of visas. i was waiting after everthing was finalised from early May last year till i got the phone call VERY early on July 1st to say we had been granted our visa. July 1st is the first day of the new visa allocation.

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