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Shipping tools and what company?

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Hi all,


i'm moving to Perth this November after recieving my state sponsorship as a carpenter. I've been looking at the price of power tools and general tools and nearly fainted at the cost of kitting myself out again with new gear... I'm now considering shipping my own hand and powertools over and was wondering if my electrical tools will work out on australian electric supply?? I've heard that its possible to get the plugs changed, then you need to get your converted tools checked and tagged but am unsure how true this is?? If anyone has done this is it expensive and cost effective after shipping etc?? or does it work out ruffly the same as buying new in oz?

Also If i decide to ship/fly my tools does anyone know or reccomend a shipping or airfreight company I can use???

If anyone can help in anyway i'd really appreciate it as stuck as to what to do and need to get things organised before the move in november..


Thanks again. :wacko::hug:

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hi i want to know this too as my boyfriend had alot of mechanic tools and a big tool bax which he spent thousands on...wed like advice on what to do and the price to send it out there..

as tool boxs arent the same in oz and are expensive

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Guest itsSHIRLEY

I would be interested in this as well , my husband has loads of tools and we are not sure whether to take them or not....

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Guest DanSonya

Hi I'm a spark and as far as I know the electric is the same as here 230v 50Hrz so electricly they should work however not sure on the plug changing thing with the testing and tag, but should be able to change the plug either by yourself or other:biggrin: Look at me pimping for work won't be out there till November but I can see a gap in the market might be a good side line:yes: Thanks for the Idea peps, other than that use cordless power tools with the same batteries only need do it all once then. I'm taking my tools hand and power however Pss tell me I got to get all the wood dust and all that off them:skeptical:

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Hi All,


My OH is also a spark, and needs to take tools over to WA. If you're not in a rush to start working (!) and can wait a couple months on the other side for your tools to arrive, then it's pretty simple to just put them in the container with the rest of your household items. Obviously, they still need to be cleaned, and free of any dirt/wood chippings etc.

Otherwise: What we are thinking of doing is - Emirates has a deal if you are flying one-way to Australia and have a valid visa (first time entry only!) then you can take 50kgs luggage.

I know that the weight of tools soon reaches 50kgs, but if you can somehow pack as few clothes as poss, and leave as much of the weight allowance for your heavier items, this is certainly one way to do it. Especially if there is 2 of you travelling, this will give you combined 100kgs luggage allowance, excluding hand luggage and laptops, I believe.

Yes, the tickets are a bit more expensive, but if you consider the price per kg when paying for excess baggage at the terminal, this is the cheaper option. My OH is planning on packing the absolute essential tools that he can't do his job without, and then just hoping he can beg and borrow, or possibly buy cheapish ones of what he doesn't have, until the container gets there.

Good luck to you all!! And if someone else comes up with a better solution, please do share :wink:

From Cx

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