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Meeting like-minded couples in Sydney!

Guest wesleynicks

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Guest wesleynicks

Hi Everyone!


My partner and I are migrating to Sydney in August and would looooove to try and meet like minded, out going, friendly couples :tongue:!


We are a relatively young couple (28 and 24).... We like going out on the town/city and drinking the night away :jiggy:, cooking nice meals, gym and relaxing...


Thanks for your time!

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Guest siamsusie

Hi Guys,

Welcome to Poms In Oz.


Maybe also put a thread up in the NSW section to see if you receive any more replies.



Have fun!



best wishes


Susie x

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Guest suziem



My boyfriend and I are moving to

Sydney at the beginning of July. He's 27

and I'm 25 and we're both looking forward to

exploring the social side of Sydney.


Where are you looking at moving to?


Suzie x

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Guest wesleynicks

Hi Suzie,


My partner and I havent yet 100% decided where we will live.... nightmare... however it will probably be in CBD near Wynyard at first as this is where I will be working. We will be over in Sydney at the end of August... scary stuff...


What have you guys decided on? Where will you be living?


My partners name is Suzie (snap) and my name is Wesley.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,


Already exchanged a couple of messages with Wesley on another thread but it would be great to meet up with any other couples or singles who are moving over here. I have been here since January this year with my girlfriend. I am 28 and Naomi is 22, and we are both originally from Stoke-on-Trent back in the UK.


If you visit my blog you will see plenty of pictures detailing our adventures here from a British perspective. A couple of my favourite posts are these.





Would be great to meet up with you and your boyfriend Suzie and if you have any questions before you move out then I'll try and help you out. I know from my experience that just things like choosing which mobile phone carrier to use, which job sites, property sites etc to look on can be daunting when you aren't familiar with what is manly used in that country. It's kinda like re-learning everything again.


Rob x

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest skybluetom

Hi, I've just put this post up on a different forum and then found this post, so it sounds like there are other couples in the same boat as us which is a relief.


If anyone fancies meeting up then get in touch.


Cheers Tom.

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