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scanned documents


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Hi all, I can't find the answer to this after a search so apologies if this question has been answered many times before!


We have got State Sponsorship ( :jiggy:) and are just completing the online 176 application. My question is about attaching the documents. Do they want scanned copies of original documents or scanned copies of certified copies of the original documents?


We have a few certified copies of most things but it seems silly to scan a copy when we also have the originals.


Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


Tim (now getting more excited!)

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Guest tarchik
Hi all, I can't find the answer to this after a search so apologies if this question has been answered many times before!


We have got State Sponsorship ( :jiggy:) and are just completing the online 176 application. My question is about attaching the documents. Do they want scanned copies of original documents or scanned copies of certified copies of the original documents?


We have a few certified copies of most things but it seems silly to scan a copy when we also have the originals.


Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


Tim (now getting more excited!)


They want you to scan the originals and not the copies :)

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Guest Baazighar

if the originals are in black and white, then you need to certify say with blue or green ink, then scan the certified copies.

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Guest Pixie10

Can I ask, I have had to print lots of my payslips which were in email format off. Does each single page need to be certified or could I do some kind of front sheet and get that certified??

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