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Proof of Credit History


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Hi guys


Got a question! Having always owned our own home, never been in debt and never rented, what kind of references will an Australian landlord need for us to secure a rental? Mortgage Yearly statements?? personal references?? I just don't know what kind of info to gather before we leave Blighty?



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Guest Guest31881

if you can get them, you may find the following useful,


Proof of payment of mortgage on time...

if selling house (or renting out) A reference from your agent to say the house was clean well presented when the agent took it over to sell/rent.

personal references to say how upright a citizen you are.


Non of this is essential, but if you are up against others trying to rent, then it could help if you have this sort of paperwork.


Also make sure you have plenty of copies ready, anything to save time when applying is good.

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