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Pet Reference Letter

Guest bwanas

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Guest bwanas

We are moving to Perth in a few months time with our cocker spaniels.

I know that finding a pet friendly rental can be a bit tricky, but it is not impossible. What I want to find out is if having a seperate reference letter from my current landlord for the dogs would be a good idea and if so if anyone has got a sample one for me to copy? :biggrin: Obviously you cannot have a letter that is over the top but would need a letter that is to the point.

Has anyone got one of these letters and did it make a difference in the grand scheme of things? I understand that offering more rent, a pet bond, undertaking to have the house carpets cleaned etc all help to secure the rental but am I being a bit too "DIACish" :wink:with the paperwork....?

Any advice would be appreciated..


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Guest The Pom Queen

I can't actually find the sample resume, but here take a look at these two guides which will hopefully help and give you some ideas.

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We did the same for our dogs tho not from landlord cause we didn't have one but from our dog trainer, just to say the dogs were obedient, well looked after (ie Clean and groomed) and non shedding, also covered the certificates they had received.

We didn't actually need it in the end, offered to pay a couple of months rent up front and to get the carpets steam cleaned when we left and had no problems



Claire x

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