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How easy is it to get hairdressing/mechanic job?


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Hello paige, what are your plans for oz, are you going out on a working holiday visa, or are you planning on moving out there permanently? If you are going for a 1 year w/h visa it would be best to wait till you get to oz, but if your planning on living there you'll find it very hard to get a job prior to being in oz, as it's taking a long time getting permanent resident visa's at the moment one other way is to obtain a 457 employer sponsored visa, you could either contact employers in oz via email or go over on a recci and meet face to face or use a relocation company to get a job for you, one i know of is live the dream australia, hope this helps a little!

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hi thanks, iv got a permanent visa as been out before,my boyfriend has a working visa for a year

so il find it hard getting one before im out there?i thyink my mums asking around at the moment for me,

what about my boyfriend will he find it hard?or does he just have to wait till hes out there?

weve discussed maybe just a bar job or waitressing or something to start with is this hard to get a job like this?

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