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Police check


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Quick question.......

Was about to send police check certificate off to my case officer, then it occured to me that I didn't know whether to send original or certified copy.

Any advise???

Many thanks!

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Quick question.......

Was about to send police check certificate off to my case officer, then it occured to me that I didn't know whether to send original or certified copy.

Any advise???

Many thanks!


Pretty sure it's the original in the case of the police checks. I think it's the only document that they need the original, not a copy.

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Guest roberts

wonder if anyone can help me, I have just been granted a 457 visa. my husband has a caution from 9 years ago. as the online application form didn't ask if anyone had a caution, we did not delcare it. we tried to write in the box, but because we had clicked "no" for any convictions it wouldn't let us. he was never asked to do a police check. we now want to apply for a PR visa and he will have to do a police check, which I think will show " no live trace" what do we do on the application? and will anything be said about not delcaring it on the 457 ( even though it doesn't ask!)

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Guest kennmikp
wonder if anyone can help me, I have just been granted a 457 visa. my husband has a caution from 9 years ago. as the online application form didn't ask if anyone had a caution, we did not delcare it. we tried to write in the box, but because we had clicked "no" for any convictions it wouldn't let us. he was never asked to do a police check. we now want to apply for a PR visa and he will have to do a police check, which I think will show " no live trace" what do we do on the application? and will anything be said about not delcaring it on the 457 ( even though it doesn't ask!)


Im no expert here but i wouldnt imagine that having a caution would be a drama of any kind!!!!

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Guest guest38933

Hi there, we are in the same boat :( , we have sent off our police checks did our meds tuesday but its dawned on me about the fact the law has changed and all cautions will remain on your police file till your 100 so we are worried to because IT WILL be on the police checks and our application only stated Convictions or procecutions , so according to the Home office web site a caution isnt either so you dont have to delare it unless caution or arrests is asked. But we cant help be worried now ?

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Guest guest38933
Hi there, we are in the same boat :( , we have sent off our police checks did our meds tuesday but its dawned on me about the fact the law has changed and all cautions will remain on your police file till your 100 so we are worried to because IT WILL be on the police checks and our application only stated Convictions or procecutions , so according to the Home office web site a caution isnt either so you dont have to delare it unless caution or arrests is asked. But we cant help be worried now ?


Well update !! My mrs police check did show a caution but i never put on the application because this wasnt a conviction or prosecution - will this cause a problem ?Please help?


my agent said put a little not in with it but doesnt sound to convicing?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest brocks

Send the original, once the visa has been approved they send it back to you with any other original documents.


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Guest Maheshmandal

Hii all,

I was in UAE for 5.5 years on employment visa and when i requested for Police Clearance Certificate from the authorities, they issued a letter which holds validity for 3 months only from the date of issue( i was issued in june 2009 when i left UAE). Now that, I'm back to my home country and have planned to process for 475 Regional Sponsor, will the PCC now available with me work for DIAC or no?




Please clarify

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