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can my boyfriend move over with me?

Guest jadesd

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Guest jadesd

im an 18yr old girl and have been with my boyfriend for 1 1/2 years now and things are going really well, too well that we don't want my move, on a PR visa, to break us up.


is there any possible way that ,after a WHV, if things go well, he would be able to stay with me in Australia?


i have heard many things such as us having to live together for at least 1 year, providing utility bills etc, and of course engagement securing a more positive response to him being able to stay, but i dont really understand the policies.


just need a little guidance to understand and make sense of the situation please :)


Jade xxx

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You're moving out on a PR visa with your family? And I'm assuming that you've not lived with your boyfriend before (since otherwise you'd not have been classed as dependent on your parent's visa).


Basically assuming you don't feel quite ready to get married in the next few months, you'll need to go the DeFacto visa route, which means that you have to be living together as a DeFacto couple for 12 months prior to the application. If he comes out on a WHV, and moves in with you the day he arrives, then you can submit an application on the last day of his visa. Alternatively, if he's done the three months regional work, then he could get a second WHV which would give you guys a bit more time.


DeFacto essentially means that you have to be living together like a married couple does, but without the wedding. So if he's going to be living with you at your parents, you need to be sharing a room, some form of joint finances (joint account is best, but otherwise buying things (e.g. car/flights) in both your names, or regular transfers to each other can be used as evidence), have some form of future plan such as to how you're going to get your own place.


Have a search, there are a bunch of threads about the evidence you need for a DeFacto visa, but basically the answer is yes, you can do it, but you need to be prepared in advance so that you do meet all the criteria to apply at the end of his visa.

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Guest morrissey

it will be hard, dont let anyone kid you otherwise jade.. as said above i think.. would be easier if you were married but i woudnt advise that either. lol although it may work!!!


just be strong and make sure you know everything you need to do.. make sure there is loads of photos of you pair together etc and JUST of you pair and not with lots of other ppl.. and when do things together keep all tickets etc..


good luck

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I have to agree with the others ur in a sticky situation one which im currently in as well. My partner is australian and i came to australia initially as an international student and met my partner while i was studying, we didnt really think about wot our plans were when i qualified but, we had been together for well over a year but, we hadnt lived together due to my partner being seriously ill about 6 -8 months before. We tried to apply for a defacto partner visa with compassionate circumstances due to my partners illness. We have joint finances and other eveidence to proove our relationship such as photos, letters, invitiations and statements from friends and family but, it still wasnt enough. i had to reurn to the uk and apply for a working holiday visa and reapply nxt year.


If you and your partner have lived together for a while and can proove it throught paperwork such as a rent agreement or bank statements ect then i would suggest a partner visa but, if you cant then a working holiday visa would be the logical thing to do then get a place together in australia and like me and my partner apply for the defacto visa next year once you have had time to get the appropriate details; just remeber with immigration is if its not written down or can be seen it didnt happen.


Hope thins work out for you :)

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Guest tazigail

I'm in exactly the same situation as you are, only I'm 17 and we have been together over 2 years. I had my mom look into and contac someone she knows and they said that if he came over he would have to keep going to and from the country every 3 months (I think) however if we were engaged it wouldn't be a problem as I could sponsor him.


Hope this helps.

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Tazigail, the three months thing only applies to an e-visitor. If your boyfriend gets a working holiday visa, they are valid for a year, and he would have work rights (although could only work for 6months with each employer). If he does three months of regional work (fruit picking etc), then he can extend it for another year. If you play your cards right, once you've been living together (as a proper couple - see what I wrote to jadesd) for 12months, he can apply for a DeFacto partner visa, without needing to get married.


Getting engaged isn't enough, that would only get him a prospective marriage visa, you would need to get married within 9 months and then apply for the partner visa. A better way to get the partner visa for someone your age is the way I described above. Also, be careful, getting engaged before you validate your PR visa could jeopardise your visa as you might no longer be considered dependent on your parents.


Another thing to bear in mind, is that the educational opportunities for your boyfriend would be very limited in Australia, as it would be at least three years before he can get PR, and until he gets PR, he would have to be paying international fees on any college/uni course. He would also be unable to get an apprenticeship.

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Guest jadesd

wow, thanks guys! all this has really helped me understand things and where to go from here. my flight is booked now on the 18th october, so i need a few months to settle in, get myself a job and figure things out and then hopefully i can work things out to help make our relationship work! xxxx

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