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Sydney or Brisbane??

Guest Wayne B

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Guest Wayne B

Hi my partner and I are moving to Aus in December on a 175 visa and we are pondering over trying Sydney or Brisbane. I am a brickie and my partner is a Legal Executive, so we are trying to decide on where is best for lifestyle/wages/cost of living. Any advice is greatly appreciated! :biggrin:

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Guest DaisyC

Hi, me and my boyfriend were asking ourselves the same question not long ago and have decided on Brisbane. We did a lot of research and asked a lot of questions and decided that the living costs of Sydney wouldn't allow us the lifestyle we were wanting to get out of our move to Australia. As far as wages go we are both Engineers so wages in both states were similar in our case so i cant offer much help there sorry. There are more posts on this in the Queensland, New South Wales and Migration issues forums so you could try there?


Hope you get sorted, Daisy.

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Guest Sydneysyder

I lived in Sydney for 35 years and we are moving back after 13 years in London. Sydney is a brilliant city if you like the international lifestyle but real estate is now very expensive to buy, (but not to rent). Brisbane has the best weather in oz but it is not really cosmopolitan

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Guest Wayne B

Well my partner lived and worked in Sydney about 7 or 8 years ago while on a working holiday visa and she really enjoyed living there. As for me, I'm pretty much up for trying either place. We would be renting and I have checked out some letting websites for places in Sydney. I guess what we are torn on is quality of life v jobs and wages, not necessarily with my partners job but with mine, as I hear theres alot of work in Queensland at the moment but I don't know about Sydney.:cool:

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Guest Sydneysyder

Sydney, like London always has plenty of work in building and construction. You should try both but if you are not used to big city life, try Brisbane first. If you want nightlife, try Sydney first.

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Why not spend a couple of weeks in each when you first arrive. In the end though, unless you are independently wealthy go with the work. I must admit Sydney was not out first choice but we had no choice because this was the only place we would both find work (Oh is very niche).


One year on we can't imagine being anywhere else, we went up to Brisbane this weekend and we really liked it but we found it did not have the buzz of Sydney, the iconic landmarks etc.

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