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Criminal Recordsolutely no idea what it could be


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Hi all, I have a police certificate from last year which has cam back as showing "No Live Trace" from what I understand this means that they do have some sort of information on you however it has been spent,


Now, I hav absolutely no idea what it could be but would like to be able to explain it.



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Hi all, I have a police certificate from last year which has cam back as showing "No Live Trace" from what I understand this means that they do have some sort of information on you however it has been spent,


Now, I hav ab






Please find enclosed your Police Certificate.


Based on the information you provided on your application form, a check will have been made on the Police National Computer. (PNC) The PNC contains information relating to criminal records in the UK, and this information forms the basis of your Police Certificate.


Your Police Certificate may state the following:


NO TRACE - this means that you do not have any convictions, cautions, reprimands or final warnings held on the Police National Computer.


NO LIVE TRACE - this means that you do have a Police record and information is held about you on the Police National Computer. This information does not appear on your Police Certificate as it has been 'stepped down' in accordance with the Retention Guidelines for Nominal Records on the Police National Computer. The Retention Guidelines for Nominal Records can be found on the ACPO and Home Office websites.

It must be stated that although your conviction/s may have been 'stepped down' they still form part of your criminal history. Your Visa application requires you to declare if you have been convicted of a criminal offence, you must declare all convictions, you may be asked to explain this outcome which could delay your visa application.


DETAILS OF YOUR CRIMINAL CONVICTION - this includes the date of the conviction, the Court where the offence was heard and the penalty imposed. It may also provide details of any Impending Prosecution.


FURTHER INFORMATION 'STEPPED DOWN' - this means that some of the information held on the Police National Computer has been ' stepped down'.


If your Certificate contains a NICR ID reference it indicates that the conviction has been obtained with reference to the Police Service of Northern Ireland




You need to phone them

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have you ever been arrested and charged with anything but never been convicted?


I have this on mine i was arrested and charged had finger prints dna etc etc taken as this was my local police force's procedure however i had all charges dropped and was never convicted. However iam on the police system now guilty or not.


The questions says have you ever been convicted and if you know you haven't you have not lied.

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