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Advice for you on Medicals and Police checks

Guest Davo

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Yesterday I arrived back from a trip to Sydney and was most upset not to have had any news yet on my visa - the application being lodged on the 16th Dec 05.


I emailed and asked if I had missed their email.


After reading this excellent site I was going to apply for my medicals and police checks today - ahead of their request.


Hey presto - on arrival at work they had emailed me back and asked me to go and get my medical and police checks.


The moral of the story - do not wait for them to contact you - email them about this and anything else as it appears that Adelaide need a small push!!

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Guest Missiemo

Hello Davo


I am in complete agreement with you, both myself and a friend of mine (now in oz) had to actually find an excuse to email Adelaide which seemed to remind them that we were still waiting for them to request our med's, as soon as we had our med's done four weeks later we had received our visa's by email.


Good Luck



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cheers - I hope this goes faster than expected. Sent off Police stuff today and also booked my Medical for the 8th May - come on!!!

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Guest denisecraig

I had carried out a SIR's visa online, the web site kept saying that some of my documents hadn't been received, there was no response to a polite email, so we made a very polite phone call asking if they had received the docs, 2 1/2 hours later they granted our visa!!!!



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