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School fees?


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Can someone clarify the situation on school fees in oz. In a state school do you pay or does it depend on the type of visa you're on? Someone told us that unless we're on a permanent visa, we must pay. My husband has been offered a job, not sure what sort of visa it would be. We will be applying for a skilled migrant visa SS 176 in any case but does the type of visa affect the school fees situation?

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Nothing is ever really that simple but payment of school fees depends not only on the visa but also the state!


In NSW and Vic if you come on a 457 visa then you pay substantial school fees. In NSW they are $4.5k pa in ACT they range between $8k and $12k depending on the child's age BUT in ACT if the visa holder's occupation is on SOL then they may waive the fees.


If you come on an international student visa then your kids will be charged international fees in all states (budget for around $10k) including the time you are on a bridging visa hoping for permanent residence


However, almost all Aus schools levy what is called a "voluntary" contribution which is around $100 a term. Technically voluntary but morally compulsory. There are also out of pocket expenses for uniforms, visiting teachers, performances, book packs, extra lessons, excursions etc


So if you are on a SS visa then you are considered permanent and wont be charged for gov schooling

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