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Partner Visa Question...HELP!


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Hi All,


I am lodging my application for a partner visa on Monday after spending months getting information together but I have a niggling worry and wondered if anyone could give me some advice.


My partner and I are 23 years old and are planning to move to Oz in September after our Masters degrees finish here in the UK (My partner has dual British and Australian citizenship). We have been full-time students for the past 5 years at university but have managed to save up enough for flights and start up costs in Oz (we intend to rent not buy.)


However, I see that we need to include 2 years of wage slips for my partner so they know he can support me. My worry is that his wage slips are only £400 a month as we have been living off student grants and loans as well and that this might make it seem like he is unable to support me.


Like I say we have savings and his parents are giving us some money for the big move. We also plan to stay with family until we secure jobs (rent free).


If we outline all these things in our application will we be ok? I am worried that our lack of full time employment in the UK may be held against us and am freaking out!


If anyone could give me any advice that would be great!


Thanks in advance,



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