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vetassess evidence of work

Sharon taylor

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first time on here so please be patient :)

my OH is applying under a 175 skilled migration visa (bricklayer) and we are just finishing the TRA forms, my question is about where it asks you to provide evidence and detailed descriptions of work, what type of evidence is required and how much detail, i understand that more is better but i don't want to over do it



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first time on here so please be patient :)

my OH is applying under a 175 skilled migration visa (bricklayer) and we are just finishing the TRA forms, my question is about where it asks you to provide evidence and detailed descriptions of work, what type of evidence is required and how much detail, i understand that more is better but i don't want to over do it



Hi Sharon which form is it you are filling in, I have just done OH my head was a shed when I had finished so if you want to know anything specific just ask. I have kept copies of everything, if I can help I will us Sharon's have to stick together. lol:biggrin:


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thanks, don't worry ill be asking for help!!!,im just filling out the evidence of work part where you have to describe certain parts of a job, and just wanted to be clear of how to word it, i know i have a tendency to waffle on, which wont help im sure, how far are you with this process and where do you want to go, we are hoping to got to the caloundra area,


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Guest Sebbers

As I'm not sure whether it's vetassess or TRA now I am unclear which form you are completing. Provide as much information as you can and be specific with detailed information, when obtaining references make sure you ask them to write them stating what sort of work oh completed, hours worked each week, average pay earned and list the tools used for each job.

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