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Someone pass me a valium!!!


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I am feeling very nervous today, although not as bad as I felt yesterday. The reason being that my husband has an interview today for a job in Perth.


Feels like we have been working towards this for so long and now that something is happening (we need an employer to sponsor us) and it could be a possibility I switch between feeling nervous and numb. Is this normal?


I keep going through "Oh my goodness, what if it doesn't happen" and then "Oh my goodness, what if it happens".


I don't know what else to say........just needed to try and calm myself down.

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Good Luck to you hope it works out well. I know just how you feeling we went through it a few months ago,except I had to walk kids up and down the street from 7;30am on a school day till it was time to go, then I had to sit in the car till gone 9am, but he got the job so it was worth it


All the best



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Thanks for your replies.


Interview not till 5.30pm so in for the longhaul today I think. 5 year old back at school today and 2 year old to keep me out of mischief. If only I could switch my brain off...........I forgot, I have had two children so thats already happened.

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Guest maiseymei

Hi hope all goes well for you, we are also hoping for a company sponsership.We sent our TRA last monday it arrived on friday,we have to wait patiently for that. ( patience is not my strong point) I have a question Is anyone being sponsered with a permenent sponsership ? I am very confused just starting out on this journey we do not have enough points to apply for a independent visa so are thinking that the sponsership route will be for us. Is it a benifit to get permenent sponsership from the begining or do the temporey sponsership? sorry to ask so many questions, just that you guys on this thread seem to be knowledgable about sponsership and im completly lost. GOOD LUCK TODAY:)

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Guest jonseywife

Sending you luck for the Sponsorship & hope it all goes well !!!!!!!!!!! :yes:

Fingers crossed for you.................

Perhaps you could try one of these new drinks I just discovered !! :biglaugh:



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Guest maiseymei

:unsure:Thanks for the reply. yes I was so unsure of temporary sponsorship as we have 3 young children 6,3 and 17 mths the Medicare was a worry. Do you know if you have to have a long waiting period for things like Medicare and child benefit etc if on a permanent sponsorship? Have you heard anything from your OH yet fingers are crossed for you.

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Guest Leigh and Nick

Hi How do you go about applying for a job sponsorship, as my partner is an IT Networking Manager. There seems to be a high demand so it would be great to go straight for a job sponsorship. I probably sound really stupid but if you dont ask you never learn. Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Guest manykids!

Hiya, all six pairs of fingers and toes crossed for you now, He is probably wowing them as I write this and that job offer won't be far behind either and then before you know it you will be in sunny Oz escaping this revolting weather!!


Lots of luck, do let us know how he gets on too,

Love Zoe


PS Its almost six o'clock -time for a drink -medicinal of course to calm you down!

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Guest manykids!

Hi, my kids are running riot too pretending to be power rangers! Off to bath baby now but have sent you a PM -catch up later x

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