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Maternity Leave and Work Experience


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I am a doctor from India who wish to work in Australia.

I want to apply for a job which needs 3 years of experience and I have 2 years and 10 months experience and on paid maternity leave for 6 months afterwards. I'm returning to work next month. (All together more than 3 years if I include paid maternity leave as work experience.)


Will I be able to apply for that job?

Is paid maternity leave considered as a career gap?

Do I have to include maternity leave in my cv or can I just leave it out?


Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.




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Hi Siva

I am not sure but i would have thought that your maternity leave will not count as work experience, but after working for 2 more months when you go back you would then qualify.


I had a similar problem as i have been a qualified nurse since 2008 but in 2009 started my midwifery training during which i was fully employed from the hospital and 60% of training involved working and undertaking nursing skills, but i was advised that i could not include this in the three year experience.

Best of luck to you and hopefully someone that is more clued up will come along soon and advice you

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