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Moving to sydney and scared!!!

Guest MissyKCornwall

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Guest MissyKCornwall

Hi, Im MissyKCornwall, We spoke about moving to australia last year. and i was really up for it. But then a few weeks ago i was told my step dad had got a job out there and he is going out to live fore 5 months. Suddenly its become a reality. I dont want to leave family and friends behind but i also want to experience the new lifestyle australia brings!! Help? xx :unsure:

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Hi MissyK!


Moving to another country is a big change, and change always feels scary, even when it's exciting.I moved from France to the UK when I was 12 with my family, so I know how you feel.


There are things you can do to help you feel less scared, and to help you settle faster once you do get there.

Before you go, make sure all your family and friends are set up with Skype, so you can talk to them for free once you get to Australia. This way when you say goodbye, it's not really goodbye, just "speak to you soon once internet gets set up at the other end". With Facebook, email and Skype, keeping in touch is easy.

Also read up on the area you're going to be living in. Not just Sydney centre, the opera house etc, but the suburb you'll be living in, where the shops are, where your school is, where the nearest park/BBQ is. Have a walk around using google street-view, it'll be less of a shock to the system if you already know the places you'll be seeing on a daily basis.


Once you're out there, if there's anything you don't understand, ASK, even if it's just a silly little word. If you don't feel comfortable asking your schoolfriends, then ask your teacher, or your parents. Although we offically speak the same language, there are lots of words that are different (for example, sweets are called lollies in Asutralia). It's better to feel a little bit silly for a couple of weeks, than end up months later still not understanding things people say and feeling really left out.


Good luck with the move, and ENJOY!

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Guest alison and Simon

Hi Missy, we moved to australia in november and my daughter - georgia is 15. She left behind her very best friend - her horse! and also loved school and had a few but close friends there too. She was very unhappy and thought she would never settle!:unsure: Plus school didnt start until february for her so she realised it was a long time before she possibly made friends.

How wrong she was - people are genuinely interested in YOU. Wanting to know what music you like and what you did back in the uk. She has made so many friends - she tells me the girls are more friendly and helpful than in the UK and there is lots to do - hang out at the pool and cinemas and always busy weekends. Georgia always finds the teachers helpful and its true, although they speak english, there are different words and they encourage you to ask questions. She now wont go back to the UK. She skypes her friends from her old school and keep up the gossip but not as much now. Too busy:yes: I am sure she will tell you it was hard ! You can ask her any questions you may have and am sure she fully understands what youre going thro X

Good luck xxx:biggrin:



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