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Advice on Primary Schools in Perth


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Hi all, Need some advice on shooling for my kiddies 6yrs & 4yrs. We arrive in Perth mid MAY and OH company are providing accom & car for a mnth while we find our feet. My main concern is the kiddies, and how to go about finding a good school. Do I keep them out of school until we find somewhere we want to settle, and if so how easy is it to get them in the school in your chosen area. I dont want to be chopping and changing their schools while we try and find somewhere to settle, but dont want them to miss too much either. OH will be working at the airport, and looking for nice family orientated area. How did others go about the schooling....any advice would be so greatful as i am tieing myself in knots with which way round to do things!!!!:arghh:

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I remember the dilemma and the sleepless nights so well!


For the state schools I found you have to be actually living in the catchment area, I found schools were reluctant to even let us visit. I think the worst thing you can do is rush the decision and find 6 months later you have to move. The two education systems are so different that I wouldn't worry about them 'missing out' at the age your children are it's all about literacy and numeracy anyway and you could easily 'home school' for a couple of months.


I was so anxious about it that we opted for a private school, they can be much more affordable here - we pay $4k per year. You can search for schools by type here

Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia


The school my son goes to is fantastic but that's in Fremantle which is not the right area for you. I don't know anything about the schools but Guildford is a lovely town, from an affordabilty view point the Swan Valley could be a could option and the estates are full of young families. Somewhere like this


Waters Edge Viveash - Waters Edge, an affordable new home in the Swan Valley, an ideal Midland investment property though there are many others, Ellenbrook and Aveley come to mind.


Good luck


Jules x

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