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Defacto Partner Visa

Black Country lad

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I have just been to the Gold Coast last week to submit my partner Visa along with all the supporting paperwork, I was unable to submit in Brisbane for obvious reasons at the time "Flooding".

While there I also submitted a bridging visa requesting permission to work, and providing evidence of my skills and my abilities to be able to offer several organisations the experience & life skills having worked as a business improvement consultant Manager and having extensive project management skills while also being trained and worked as a Fire Fighter with Shropshire Fire & Rescue in the UK for 5 years.

I was amazed at the response I got from the immigation agent who was dealing with the paperwork, she blatently told me that had I been applying on the grounds of financial hardship she could have signed the permission to work straight off and because I was applying on the grounds of work/life skills she would have to send the paperwork to Brisbane to let them make the decision! " I think that meant NO?" however she did say to me that I could resubmit on the grounds of financial hardship if I get turned down! Now I am sure that it states that you must have enough finances to be able to support yourself while you are here in Australia? so why would anyone apply on the grounds of financial hardship to get permission to work?

Now I am not financial hard up by any means although the reality is I have not been able to work for the last 12 months and it could take them another 9 months? maybe to grant my visa, so as you can imagine that will be a big drain on my savings not to mention the potential of going insane while not being able to work!

If you were to lock a dog in a house and give it the bare minimum of food and water but no social life, I think most people would call that cruelty? yet the immigration here can keep people dangling on a thread, even though we still have some kind of life to lead or maybe they just like the thought of people arriving here on boats only to wait for the tax payer to return them to the countries of origin? now me like many others, have always had to have a return ticket back to the UK, Sorry Austrlia your immigration stinks not to mention that you still bear our flag, Oh and by the way an English PM.

Also there is no other service that I know to that you pay for before having recieved the goods? so whats the payment for of $2500 you dont even get a contact name for that!!! If my partner was not Australian I wouldn't be here, still nothing like home as far as I am concerned, for god sake immigration get your act together the service is appalling.


The key to this is make sure that you put financially hard up and they may even provide you with a house and a car along with a job!! :mad:

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