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Hi Cara, we're hoping WA!! It was just a pain as we had got all references etc done by last March but our agent said we had to do them all again and use recent jobs as they would be over a year old!!!! I noticed your OH is a plasterer does he have to sit an ielts?? Which state is it you want to apply for???

Lesa :biggrin:

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Hi Lesa,


What a shame you had to do them again, at least they are done now.


We've been told we don't need to do an IELTS as OH has an english passport.


Well, we haven't been to Oz so are not really sure where we want to be really! WA is top of our list at the moment because it is very up and coming and we have friends going there in Jan. We do really want to go where there is a lot of sunshine as that is one of the attractions to us. I think the 3 most attractive areas are WA, Queensland and NSW but we've ruled out Queensland due to lots of people saying how it is hard to find work there at the moment and I don't think Queensland or NSW will have plasterers on their SMP anyway. Whatever state we may end up applying for we will make sure we are happy to set roots there at least initially while we find out feet in OZ.


I don't know if you've seen the post I put on today but we're thinking of applying for the 175 visa once we get the skills assessment instead of going for state sponsorship.



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Oh wow atleast you have another option!! My oh has a british passport too we're british through and through but were told that wa might be asking trades people to sit one and would not be able to apply for sponsorship without it? When will you decide which visa to go for??

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Oh wow atleast you have another option!! My oh has a british passport too we're british through and through but were told that wa might be asking trades people to sit one and would not be able to apply for sponsorship without it? When will you decide which visa to go for??


Well IELTS won't be an option for us as really don't have the time now so if they want it regardless then we won't be getting ss off them!


We really need to have decided and be ready for whichever application we are going for by the time we get the skills assesment back so hopefully end Dec/ beg Jan. So if we are going for ss we need to decide soon so we can start preparing the paperwork. At the moment as the other states aren't out yet it is looking like we will be applying for ACT SMP but still not sure yet and I'd say we can afford to leave it til the weekend or so and then we really need to press on....


Cara :twitcy:

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