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Who we are to judge?


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Sometimes, when I become irrational for some reason or action by someone, I end up judging (we're all humans no!?).


Then afterwards, when I calm down, I reflect.


1. Who am I to judge? Am I perfect?

2. Do I really know what the person is passing from or what the person is feeling?

3. Is the person maybe acting like that cause the circumstances made him irrational?

4. We all act weird/strange/different when our emotions are not at a normal level.

5. Have you realized that past experiences make people behave in strange ways when they relive that experience or something similar?

6. Do you have an open mind which sees the glass half full rather then half empty?


So, then I said to myself, instead of judging....why don't I try to understand what the person is feeling and passing through and I help him/her to become a better person or simply guide him/her to walk in the right path?


Oh, and I have to add, it also makes me feel better to act positively then negatively..


Have a happy non-judging day :wink:




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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi mate


you raise a few good points here, but.............................


If you are referring to peoples posts on PIO then you never really know the person behind the posts and you probably never will and most react to the contents of the actual post, which to me is only natural.


If you are talking about your dealings with people in life, then its easier to deal with, because you can see how they are, you can assess their mannerisms and facial expressions, but it is still difficult to get to know the true person inside.


Crikey i have been with our lass for nearly 30 years and i still don't understand her. lol

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I did think about this yesterday. I had my first row with an Ossie!


Basically I live on a corner plot so I park nearby. I was just parking when a neighbour who was driving past stopped her car in the middle of a junction to confront me about where I park. She was aggressive and demanded I park elsewhere, as i will cause an accident...not the v8 ute idiots that cut the corner and cause her to break as my car is 20ft from the junction.


I'd had a bad day, and she was aggressive from the start and has supposedly reported me.... We had words and I doubt i'll get an xmas card.... but I did think; had she had a bad day, did she consider how she approached me? If she had been polite it would have been a different disscussion, and no doubt if her husband was there it would have been different again.

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If you are talking about your dealings with people in life...


Yes, I was talking about this :yes:


But good point you raised there!!!...there is a limitation to it... :wink:


If you are referring to peoples posts on PIO the



Not really following the drama on PIO :biglaugh:




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