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At last! we are here....


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arrived in Melbourne at 3am on Wednesday morning, drove to our holiday rental....or home for the next 4 weeks.....went to bed and BING ! wide awake!


Weather a bit of a culture shock, 29o yesterday and we went for a wander to get out of house for a while, OMG! My legs felt like they had forgotten how to walk and we were the only pedestrians to be seen! Back home people have been scraping their cars.


have been supermarket shopping & gulping at the price but having to stock a cupboard & fridge from scratch whereas at home you would always have at least bare essentials in the cupboard.


Our holiday home is nice and well equipped & in fact after spending last 4 weeks in an empty house it feels like luxury to have matching towels and a full cutlery drawer! I am enjoying cooking and for us all to eat at a table again, instead of on our laps on the floor........on the plus side of that our container arrives in OZ in less than a fortnight so would rather have done without at home than here for too long.



Today we did the rounds of estate agents & got rental lists & have came home & created a resume of 'us' which will hopefully impress & we can get a permanent address sorted out ASAP.


I am happy to be here as are kids ! Husband happy too that we are altogether and enjoying said cooked meals!

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Welcome to Aus. The weather can be changeable at this time of year and often quite windy in October. When our snowball tree comes into flower we know its going to be windy.


Warm days and cool nights and the weather can change in half an hour so make sure you have something warm with you.


Think in dollars not pounds.:laugh:

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  • 5 months later...

well, we have been in Australia for 6 months today....half a year!


I think I'm more settled now, my kids are settled ,my husband is settled and I think I'm the one who has found it the hardest! Was very homesick a month or so ago, would have went home in a shot, had a week of wallowing in self pity but snapped out of it!


We are happy with where we are living , kids are all doing well in their schools, son in y11, daughter in y9 and youngest daughter in y6. Totally different education system to back home but they have adjusted well. I think they receive a more rounded education, not just concentrating on academic subjects. They have enjoyed several trips and excursions, older 2 have to travel independantly into city at times for school trips which surprised me.


We got a kayak which was well used over summer, I miss not being as near to beach as we were back home. However, we tend to make a day off it when we go. We have discovered some beautiful beaches in Melbourne....everyone's a favourite until we find the next one!


Food shopping : some things cheaper ,some things dearer than back home. But you do quickly get used to thinking dollars rather than pounds!


I got a new to me car last week which has made a big difference already....can go outwith the bus route now! I joined the PFA at primary school & was asked to join the school council. This has meant I've met new people! Was starting to wonder if I'd ever meet new people. Was quite isolating at first, in my life back home I had many people in my day to day life,with work,school, neighbours, friends, walking dog etc & I really struggled with not having that when I first came here. But I have had some very interesting conversations with random strangers at bus stops, shops & library.


We went & cheered Andy Murray at Fed Square (not that it did much good!) when I had watched it in 2010,I had promised myself & kids we would be there 2011. We had a great trip to Canberra in January & are heading to Sydney for Easter weekend. We went to Mount Buller on Sunday to throw snowballs at each other. I love the flowers, the trees, the birds in Australia. I do not like any beasties, but knew this before we came....last thing & first thing I do each day is check my bedroom for spiders! I always shake my shoes.....the one time I didn't I had a millipede in one!


I struggled with the heat of summer but again I knew I would before we came. I just do housework etc early on before it gets too hot. However, it amazes me that we now think 18o is cool! I like that Melbourne has seasons....often on a daily basis!


I miss my friends but email & skype means communication is still fast and easy. I find our post from UK takes about 2-3 weeks to come here but letters from here take 3 days to go to UK....not sure how that works out! I miss my dog but know she is better off back home. Still gets to chase squirrels everyday.


We came to Australia to be a complete family again after several years of my husband working here & us back in Scotland. It has been a big move, but a positive move. We are together every day and that's the important part. I have to remember that, when I'm having a low day as I was miserable on my own back home!


We are going home in September for 2 weeks. My neice is due her first baby then (hope she's not late) and I can't wait to see my friends and my dog! Part of our relocation package was a trip home every year, which is great . We talk about all the things we are going to eat when we go home, as if we actually starve out here! We will take Christmas presents home & stock up in Primark for way back!


Think that's me!

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Great to see that you guys are settling in pretty well. The time flies doesn't it !! we are nearing 4 years, and I cant believe where the time has gone.


You were lucky that last summer was crap, it has given you extra time to acclimatise :laugh: but by next summer when hopefully we will see some decent weather, you wont even think about the creepy crawlies either. Our shoes are always outside and i never check any more.


Good luck with the next 6 months. :hug:

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loving the update , how easy was it getting rental place , you spoke of an "us " resume

how did that go


thanks mark



Hi Mark,


Because we didn't have any rental or credit history for Australia we put together a pack to show Estate Agents (as recommended by someone else on here). This included a schedule of our house back home (still up for sale....one year on !), a copy of a letter from our solicitor handling house sale, a copy of our Uk Bank mortgage statement, a copy of our most recent UK utility bills. Then we did a letter about us as a family. What Scott did, what I did and how well behaved are children are! Why we were here in Australia. We also got 2 letters of reccomendation both from Scott's work colleagues.


We got our house by being in the right place at right time, only 1 EA got back to us, after traipsing round many & leaving our details. We discovered most EA are out of office on a Saturday handling open houses or auctions, so would recommend going on a different day. The one who got back to us, had this house coming up for rent ,as he had handled the sale and it was a buy to let. He phoned Scott, we went for a view,whilst previous owners were half packed....they did not have to let us view but kindly did.


We handed in our pack, which he was impressed with, and went from there. Signed agreements/paid a months deposit one week & were in our house the next.

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Guest MaybeOz
well, we have been in Australia for 6 months today....half a year!


I think I'm more settled now, my kids are settled ,my husband is settled and I think I'm the one who has found it the hardest! Was very homesick a month or so ago, would have went home in a shot, had a week of wallowing in self pity but snapped out of it!


We are happy with where we are living , kids are all doing well in their schools, son in y11, daughter in y9 and youngest daughter in y6. Totally different education system to back home but they have adjusted well. I think they receive a more rounded education, not just concentrating on academic subjects. They have enjoyed several trips and excursions, older 2 have to travel independantly into city at times for school trips which surprised me.


We got a kayak which was well used over summer, I miss not being as near to beach as we were back home. However, we tend to make a day off it when we go. We have discovered some beautiful beaches in Melbourne....everyone's a favourite until we find the next one!


Food shopping : some things cheaper ,some things dearer than back home. But you do quickly get used to thinking dollars rather than pounds!


I got a new to me car last week which has made a big difference already....can go outwith the bus route now! I joined the PFA at primary school & was asked to join the school council. This has meant I've met new people! Was starting to wonder if I'd ever meet new people. Was quite isolating at first, in my life back home I had many people in my day to day life,with work,school, neighbours, friends, walking dog etc & I really struggled with not having that when I first came here. But I have had some very interesting conversations with random strangers at bus stops, shops & library.


We went & cheered Andy Murray at Fed Square (not that it did much good!) when I had watched it in 2010,I had promised myself & kids we would be there 2011. We had a great trip to Canberra in January & are heading to Sydney for Easter weekend. We went to Mount Buller on Sunday to throw snowballs at each other. I love the flowers, the trees, the birds in Australia. I do not like any beasties, but knew this before we came....last thing & first thing I do each day is check my bedroom for spiders! I always shake my shoes.....the one time I didn't I had a millipede in one!


I struggled with the heat of summer but again I knew I would before we came. I just do housework etc early on before it gets too hot. However, it amazes me that we now think 18o is cool! I like that Melbourne has seasons....often on a daily basis!


I miss my friends but email & skype means communication is still fast and easy. I find our post from UK takes about 2-3 weeks to come here but letters from here take 3 days to go to UK....not sure how that works out! I miss my dog but know she is better off back home. Still gets to chase squirrels everyday.


We came to Australia to be a complete family again after several years of my husband working here & us back in Scotland. It has been a big move, but a positive move. We are together every day and that's the important part. I have to remember that, when I'm having a low day as I was miserable on my own back home!


We are going home in September for 2 weeks. My neice is due her first baby then (hope she's not late) and I can't wait to see my friends and my dog! Part of our relocation package was a trip home every year, which is great . We talk about all the things we are going to eat when we go home, as if we actually starve out here! We will take Christmas presents home & stock up in Primark for way back!


Think that's me!




Great post.


Do you mind if I ask what part of Melbourne you settled in?


Kari :wubclub:

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  • 5 months later...

Posting from sunny Scotland, wide awake with jetlag at 3am.

Loving being home for a flying visit....12 days only ! Loving the prices in Tesco & Asda, we cannot believe how much cheaper in comparison food & toiletries are. Loving my decent haircut...maybe I'm going to the wrong hairdressers in Oz! Loving seeing family & friends and the familiarity of eevrything. Loving being back in my unsold house! Still feels like home!


However, I can see, how much Australia has grown on me, how settled I have become there and that yes, I actually do like living there! So this has been a very positive realisation for me! Spent first 6 months being miserable and last 6 getting on with things, getting a job which i love & starting to make new friendships. Kids have grown in experience & confidence. We are a constant family of 5 instead of a part -time one. So Australia......you caught me by surprise with this insight!

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