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2 Year Update !!


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Well, we have been in Australia for 2 years now.


We came with absolutly nothing, no jobs, no family, no friends. We were very lucky when we arrived as we both found employment within 3 weeks and it was just as the global financial crisis hit.


2 years later, and we find ourselves in almost the same boat. I am working (5th job in 2 years), hubby is now unemployed and desperately looking for work. My twins will be 17 in less than 2 months and are just about to finish year 11.


Has the move been easy for us.... Hell no !!... I would say that we have been on a bloody big roller coaster. Do I miss Canada... hell yes.... there have been many a day, when I just wanted to throw in the towel and get on that big bird back to my homeland, but I haven't thrown in the towel yet, 2 years on and we are still here.


Have there been great moments, sure, I remember looking at the Indian Ocean for the first time and thinking how beautiful it was, or a trip to Caversham Wildlife Park and petting Kangaroos for the first time in my life. I have met some lovely people here and some not so nice people... same world over.


Has my life improved for the better by coming to Australia... the answer truthly would be no... we didn't come here to get the big house, the pool etc..or the weather really, if truth was known, I really enjoy the weather in Canada, nice summers, great falls, nice springs, hard but sometimes beautiful winters. We decided we wanted a change and that is why we came here to Australia.


Would I do the move over again if I had hindsight... probably not...especially with teenagers. My daughters have been here for 2 years now, and are still not settled. The homesickness affected the one really badly and she ended up seeing the school psychologist.


Do I think I have settled in Australia... truthly probably not... I have had more jobs here than I ever had in my life in Canada, and if truth was told that is probably an indication of me not being able to settle.


I think the hardest part of my journey has been when things go pear shape, to me and this is just my personal opinion, I have found it very difficult when things go wrong and you have no family or friends around you to support you. There have been a few times when I have felt really down, and just feel totally alone. I actually don't have any real friends here in Australia, yes I have work collegues, but I only talk to them at work, never see them outside of work. Thankfully, we are a strong family, and get through the rough times together.


I guess for me, moving from Canada which is equally as great a country as Australia, I didn't get the wow factor of Australia, I have found Australia to be much more expensive than Canada for everything.


Will I be here for a 3 year update... who knows...the hand of fate holds our future at the moment. If my OH gets a job, then we will still stay here in Australia, however, if no job comes through within the next month, then we will be heading back to Canada.


Better to try and fail than not to try at all... even if we have to move back, we will not regret our time in Australia, we can look back at it as a great experience.





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Guest siamsusie

I have followed your story Karen, and you have stamina and guts, I very much admire you.

Like you I am not here for weather, I really couldnt give a monkeys whether it is cold warm whatever as long as I am happy.


You come from a gorgeous country, and thats one country I could settle in very happily, great people. wonderful diverse environment so going home shouldnt be a hardship for you.


Whatever the gods have in store for you, I send you my very best wishes Karen, you never know fate/luck plays some very strange tricks and who knows what doors may still open for you here in Australia..



Susie x

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