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Great new book about migrating to Adelaide


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Thought I'd put up a quick post about a book that's been written by a fellow migrant out here in Adelaide, full of hints and tips about the migration process, what to expect when you get here, and the similarities and differences to look out for between the UK and Oz. I was lucky enough to get to read a proof copy yesterday and was totally blown away - I reckon it should be required reading for all new migrants thinking of moving here!


It's called The Same Difference - a Sideways Look at Migrating from the UK to Australia. It's not a huge tome - just "90 pages of fun and facts" but it's a really easy, informative and fun book for anyone thinking of moving out here. I know she interviewed loads of people when she was putting it together so it has lots of hints and tips of what worked for people, and what didn't, things to look out for and be aware of.


Anyway, if anyone is interested in getting a copy it's available from 1st November - cost $21 for people in Australia and $25 for people in the UK - both prices inclusive of postage and packaging.


PM me if you'd like details of how to order one, and I'll pass on the author's details.


Post script: Mandy's now put a link on the Home2Home website to buy the book - http://www.h2h.com.au

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