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Bayside schools


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We are looking into relocating to Brisbane (we are currently in Adelaide) as we believe the job opportunities will be better for my husband. We are also keen to experience another area and all that it offers. Having done some preliminary research we like the look of the Bayside area. It seems reasonably priced for housing, and we like the idea of being near the coast (even without beaches as such) but would like to get a boat and do fishing etc.


Anyway a very important consideration for us it schools. We have two children, a girl of eleven (12 next March) and a boy who has just turned 10. Am still confused as to what year they would go into next year up there? My daughter is very bright and has been consistently at the top of her class (despite being one of the youngest in a year 6/7 class this year. We desperately want a school that will provide a challenging academic atmosphere for her to thrive in. Does anyone have any experience of the schools in this area?


We would also need a good primary school for my son, again any feedback?


Where we are now the secondary schools quite often have areas of specialty e.g. a focus on sport, or music etc. would that be the same there?


My husband is an architectural technician and is a team leader in the drafting department of a large steel frame company. Is there anyone with any knowledge of the construction industry who can give any info on how things are up there? It certainly seems from the job adverts that there are more jobs going, but I wonder where the areas of growth are and where construction companies tend to be based?


Any help on these things would be very much appreciated. We have made the decision to move but now the daunting research is upon us, as we also try and prepare our house to sell!


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Guest Mistibelle

Hi, I can help a bit on the school thing - your daughter would currently be in year 6 in Qld so going to Year 7 in Jan 2011 and your son would be in year 5 going to year 6 in Jan 2011. For a school that will challenge your daughter academically you would probably be better with a private school if that's possible - Ormiston College, Sheldon College, Moreton Bay Boys and Girls, Redlands College, John Paul are all good private schools with the Catholic and Lutheran schools being a good less expensive option. High school here starts in year 8 so both your children will be in primary. The state primary schools are ok and many people are very happy with them - its just they are very laid back academically which is great for the majority of children but the very bright ones can get bored. I have heard better reports from the state high schools from an academic point of view and know that Cleveland High School has a great music programme and I think Wellington Point is good for sports. Most private schools have scholarships for year 8 entry which are worth a try.


Good luck with your move x

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As another poster has said, in QLD they would both be in primary school. My daughter is very bright and went to the local state school. They really worked with her to ensure she was not bored in the subjects she excelled in so state schools, although laid back, can accommodate bright children. I would just say to ask about this when you look round a school.

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