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Bunbury versus Mandurah

Guest MattandSarah

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Guest MattandSarah

We were all set for a new life in bunbury, but having looked at this and other forums, lots of people in our position (young family) are heading towards Mandurah.


Any thoughts or opinions on the two areas would be greatly appreciated.


We initially thought Bunbury had everything we needed: schools, jobs, outdoor life, social scene, interests for kids that grow up too fast (over here anyway!). the greater bunbury area offering cheaper housing etc....


Anything that will help us focus our decisions would bebrilliant.




Sarah and Matt

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We were all set for a new life in bunbury, but having looked at this and other forums, lots of people in our position (young family) are heading towards Mandurah.


Any thoughts or opinions on the two areas would be greatly appreciated.


We initially thought Bunbury had everything we needed: schools, jobs, outdoor life, social scene, interests for kids that grow up too fast (over here anyway!). the greater bunbury area offering cheaper housing etc....


Anything that will help us focus our decisions would bebrilliant.




Sarah and Matt


Hi Sarah and Matt,

...Bunbury v. Mandurah? it’s a tough one and I'm probably not going to be much help as I've marked it as a score draw... Bunbury might just win it on penalties.

I’ve relatives in Australind who I’ve stayed with over the last six or seven years so I can only give you an opinion based on short visits and what they feel - and they are well settled in Australind.. about 15 mins drive into Bunbury - no traffic jams there!


First time I went to Perth (1988) Mandurah was somewhere to go for a picnic and try and spot the dolphins in the estuary... it’s grown and developed enourmously over recent years, prices have gone up too. There’s a lot of building going on, housing estates all over the place... wonder where all the people are coming from to fill them, can't all be poms. Loads of new developments adding to the local economy . Lots of boating people who like the estuary.. bonus point!!

It is a nice place.. 45 mins/an hour to Perth as you prob know, once the new rail link is complete city will only be 40 mins away. The drive down is surrounded by industrial areas (round Kawana). There doesn’t seem to be loads going on other than people having a day out. Harbour side is all new and bustling, very nice and holiday like. My relatives think quite a few people were retiring there but more families are moving in as Perth sprawls ever out.

Halls Head has nice older more established housing, Don’t mean to offend anyone but I’m told Greenfields hasn’t got a great reputation. Dudley Park is nice, look at Meadow Springs or Silver Sands which is the ocean side of the road. Secret Harbour is a lovely area too along with Port Kennedy.


Bunbury is a city in it’s own right, it’ll have everything you need without having to go to Perth that often and away from the congestion Perth. The schools seem good, it has a University campus as well as Tafe and is an up-and-coming place due to lots of development over recent years, Bunbury Regional Hospital looks modern and has a good reputation. Easy access to the south, Busselton and Margaret River are great. The town centre used to be a bit tatty I thought but last time there I thought it was quite attratvive and gracious. You’ll obviously have loads more choice job wise without the Mandurah/Perth commute and house prices will be less. There was a new waterside area being developed, restaurants and cafes etc... was looking good. Don’t know much about the different suburbs, Australind is on the estuary, lovely laid back place, small shopping centre, good new leisure centre and no one seems in a rush.

Hope you get to hear from someone who’s lived there.

Good luck.

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Guest MattandSarah

Thanks Billabong that has really helped. Australind has been suggested to us by a couple of the real estate agents so we will probably make that our priority visit when we go over.


We are lucky where we live in Bristol in that I can walk the kids to school, playgroup and then walk on to work myself. All the shops and amenities are local (within walking distance) and I don't really want to lose that. I have already checked the Schools is Australind, and as you say they have primary and high school so its scoring high at the moment.


What you have said is pretty much as I thought with regards to jobs 'n' stuff. I think we will stick with our gut reaction of Bunbury and surround.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest tonyandtracy

Hi just read your email ,we are currently renting in east bunbury we arrived 3 weeks ago from the u.k.

Love to hear from some expats in the bunbury area.

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Guest MattandSarah

Hi Tony and Tracy


Hope you are settling in well. Not an ex pat yet, just a wannabe. We hope visa decision should be made in the next few weeks and then hopefully we will be out in Bunbry September/October.


Any thoughts or observations on your new home would be greatly appreciated.

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Guest tonyandtracy

Hi Matt and Sarah

What visa are you applying for and do you have a job lined up yet!

We arrived in perth on the 5th of april picked up our hire car from hertz and stayed in a hotel in como for a few days then drove down to bunbury.

We are staying in east bunbury in rented accomodation which is nice but doesnt have a back garden which was disappointing for all of us especially when you have 2 kids!do you have any children?

the people here in bunbury are really helpful and most say hello which we didnt get in peterborough and much of the uk.its quite stressful at the mo trying to get work cause their doesnt seem many good jobs around and we are now realising we will have to get a mortgage if we are to get a descent family home around the outskirts of bunbury as house prices have risen as much as 35 percent!do keep in touch as we feel isolated from friends & family.good luck

from tony&tracy

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Guest MattandSarah

Skilled independent on my hairdressing qualifications. No - no jobs, no home lined up Nothing. All our documentation is in we are just waiting for the final yes/no. Latest date we hear is 26th June, but should be before then.


We have 2 kids, a girl called Niamh who will be 8 in August and a young lad, Charlie who is 28 months. They are the reason we are moving.


I did some research and emailed Bunbury Town Council who led us to believe that we wouldn't find a problem getting jobs. Matt is a domestic electrician though not 'Approved' and has been in the building game since leaving school at 16. I am a PA/administrator more than a hairdresser now so it will be a fight to see who gets a job first and who gets to stay at home.


What made you decide on Bunbury? Almost everyone goes to Perth. We thought we were making a bit of a mistake as no one had mentioned Bunbury before! I think we are gonna stick with our gut reaction though and aim to be in Bunbury for October time visa and house sell willing.

Feel free to pm me.

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Guest Missiemo

Hi Tony and Tracey


Although we are not heading your way (we are emigrating to the Victoria Region) just wanted to say hi as I noticed you are from the Peterborough Area, we are just 15 mins from there.


Hope you are enjoying your new life.


Take Care



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  • 2 months later...
Guest debs&maccy

Hi Matt & Sarah / Tony & Tracy,


We are a family with four children, who have been here since the beginning of March 06. We're originally from Kettering (near Northampton)

We'd love to meet up with anyone and share our experiences - good ones of course!

We are only living down the road in Capel, So how do you find Bunbury


Speak to you all soon


Glen & Debs

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Guest Paula Sayer

Hello all!


We are new to this site, but to do a quick intro, we are a family of 4 - Hubbie is a caprpenter, and we have 2 girls aged 5 and 1.

We are moving to Oz (house sale permitting - just waiting to exchange contracts) on the 15th September. We have a 12 week short term let arranged in Mandurah, but we are going to take a good look at Bunbury as well, before deciding where to settle.

We'd love to meet up with anyone when we arrive that will have us!!! (sorry - that sounded a bit desperate, didn't it???!!!) :shock:

Seriously, any advice on areas, schools, etc, etc would be mauch appreciated. We hope to see you soon!

Paula x

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Guest wfourie



we arrive on 13th Sept with 5 year old boy not sure where we are going to live yet!!! But would love to meet up.


Send me a PM if you are intrested and we can exchange numbers


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Guest DavyT

Hi All,

sorry but after 10 years here thers no contest,Mandurah easily outwieghs Bunbury, yes Bunbury is cheaper but thats cause theres nothing there,your not near anything, where as Mandurah has it all, and near to the city and jobs the lot , honest theres nothing to think about, but its your choice .................

best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

We're also having the same problem B v M, but Bunbury seems to be winning at the moment.

We have 2 boys coming with us (8 and 3) so we need decent schools etc too(any help would be appreciated)


we won't be coming till next year (hopefully )as we can't put in our visa till October but have started the process , just waiting for the outcome of the tra.

It all depends if Kev gets a job in either of these places that makes our final decision.(but we still hoping for Bunbury)


Kev & Dawn


P.S. Keep in touch:jiggy:

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Guest gwendaline

Hi, I run a South West Relocation Company, if you require any information please feel free to contact me on rjjjoz@bigpond.com

I live in Bunbury - moved here from the UK.

Personally, move Bunbury!

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Guest gwendaline

Bunbury is fantastic especially if you come from a village in UK. There are negatives but they are few and far between - distance to Perth and limited Shops (if you like shopping) this will effect you. But for friendly, family orientated environment - bunbury....

Schools, there are private and government and can forward info on either if you would like.

South West Re-location specialists



Goodluck and yes, you or your husband will have no problem getting employment

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Guest springflower

Hi Everyone


We have been in WA since 2003 living in Busselton for the first 3 years due to work and family. We have since moved to Bunbury in October of last year and we all think its great. You have everything here that you need, shops, schools, tafe, university, hospital etc as well as beaches, parks, walks, and plenty of sport for the sport minded. I have two boys aged 12 and 17 and although they had settled in Busselton and didnt want to move they agree its got a lot more going for it. Its big enough but not too big if you know what I mean.

I just wanted to let anyone know who is already here that we are meeting up at Dalyellup Central Park where the lake is, at 2pm on Easter Sunday if anyone would like to join us. There are quite a few new expats who have arrived and we usually meet up somewhere for coffee or lunch during the week. I have made so many nice friends this way. We are taking a picnic with us and there will be cricket and other sports for the kids.


Hope to see some of you there. If anyone wants any other info please just ask and we will try and help.


Jan :)

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Guest franny22

can anyone tell me what the jobs are like for the equivalent of a BT Engineer in Perth cos that what OH does. any help would be great thanks. cant wait to get out there.

xx :notworthy:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Tash and Charlie

Hi there, we are new to this site, and Bunbury and wondered if there was anything social going on in Bunbury in the next few weeks. Spending some time at the sports centre to get invoved in clubs to make friends, but wondered if there was any bbq/drinking buddies out there? I know its going into winter - but brits are used to bbqs in the rain!!

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Guest springflower


A few of us are going to Perth this weekend to see Motown Magic at Burswood, havent anything organised as yet, mostly meet up in the day time for coffee and lunch with the girls but will let you know if any new meets come up.

Welcom to Bunbury :-)


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Guest Tash and Charlie

Thanks for that, don't think i can make this weekend, but we are both in an office on vic st, so are up for lunch/afterwork drinks/food.

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Guest gwendaline

hi, great to hear there are others out there looking for a typical british social life - bring it on I say.....going on a girls night out soon (in Bunbury) all brits so contact me and I can formally introduce myself. Always at the sportcentre or playing volleyball so can meet you when ever. Let me know and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Guest gwendaline

Hi Sarah, please email me on rjjjoz@bigpond.com because I very seldom check this site

and I know that when the dates are arranged - I will forget how to find you. The night out is just friends I have made here and I know you will feel most welcome, just as they made me feel. And they all understand our sense of humour!!!! And hey, if you want, we can get together prior to nightout

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Guest Tash and Charlie

Hi there again,


Is there anythign social going on this weekend that anyone knows about? Would like to do something for the long weekend, but something that doesn't cost a lot!! Anyone meeting up for lunch or drinks at any point? ;-))

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  • 2 years later...
Guest olive

Hi hope you are settling into your life in Bunbury, I have lived here about 3 yrs and lived in Melbounre before for 5 yrs my hubby is from melbourne we moved here to make money as rent was sky hire in melbourne in the city though i sometimes miss the city life , East Bunbury is a nice area we are out in Eaton we looked at East bunbury when we first moved here from mel , but as we have 2 cats ended up renting in Eaton we have now bought a house , Any Way hope to hear from you vicky

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