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IT Jobs skills???!


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Hi all,


I'm a newbie here :biggrin: Over the past few months, I've been thinking of moving to Australia to try and start a new life. It seems that life here in the UK is just not for me and it's getting more and more depressing to be here each year (no disrespect at all to UK).


A few years back, my sister moved to Australia, started her new life, now has kids, healthy and a much enjoyed life! I did visit once to Sydney and was amazed!


Now I wan't to move, just like many other do and like many of you have already. To my disappointment, I've noticed that the skills list was recently changed the other month and does no longer include my job (IT/Computer Analyst). I'm very disappointed as jobs out in Aus are being advertised for at least an extra £5k plus lots more benefits than what we have here.


My question, is there any other way to be able to get out there, I have looked into sponsoring, but my current company just don't want to help out! Would if be advisable to contact a number of companies out there with my cv and details of my plan and hope for the best?


I am planing on visiting again hopefully next Feb/March time so was thinking of popping into various places with my cv and hope they have a spare 10 minutes for me and really try to sell myself.


If this works out, does getting a job allow you into the country at all or does it all count on getting that sponsorship.


Apologies for the questions, but when googling, I only seem to get sites that will "help" me move, sort out a visa etc or silly questions/answers on yahoo! I've been hanging around on this site for a while now and all seem a very friendly helpful bunch.


Just hope someone can help me out :cute:



*Sorry! just realised I posted this in wrong section, had too many tabs open*

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