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457 Visa

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Hi just been recommended this site and impressed so far, just hope someone can help me or point me in the right direction...:wink: My husband has accepted a job in melbourne and we are waiting for the company to arrange a 457 visa. They have confirmed that I (spouse) can work, but I'm unsure about our 18 year son? Also is this visa temporary or perm, I understood that it is temp for 4 years, and I'm not sure what would happen to the 3 of us after this time. Can you just reapply and what is difference between PR and citizenship. Apologies if my questions seem daft, but all this is happening very quickly and we have never looked into moving but we all feel its an opportunity not to be missed. Thank you Jill:smile:

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firstly welcome to PIO, your amongst friends and we all use this site to learn from each other.

I'm sure some of the more experienced will be able to answer more fully, but,

457 does allow you to work, (sorry not sure about your 18 year old, to be honest unless they are classed as dependents (full time education) i'm not sure they fall under the 457 entitlement :( ).

This is a temporary (long term) working visa and valid for up to 4 years (depending on what the DIAC allow (i.e. if the company sponsoring only say it is a 2 year position that is what you will be allowed). after 2 years you may be eligable to apply for perm residency but if no other visa is sought at the end of the 4 years (or whatever term is allowed) you have to leave the country.

again this is more complicated but the difference between citizen and PR is as a citizen you are free to enter and leave the country at will, can vote and may work for the civil service. as PR you can stay as long as you do not spend a considerable amount of time out of the country (I'll be corrected here ;) ).

keep reading as there is a lot to take in.

were in the same boat and fly out in 3 week to start our "4 years" in Sydney.


Steve, Cath & Maddie

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Thank you so much for the quick response, I've just been researching on the aus migration web site. I think I'm going to ask my husband to ask about a PR visa in the first instance - see what they say! Its a difficult decision, I know that we would regret not going in say 10 years time, and always thinking what if.... I found the 47 form for dependant children which to be honest, our son probably is as he still lives with us board free and only has a tiny income. Head spinning... now looking into moving our mortgage to buy to let so we can rent for 4 years fingers crossed, and good luck for 3 weeks. We will be flying to Melbourne around same time for our familisation visit,. thanks again

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the main thing to think about between a 457 and perm is that 457 can be turned around in a few weeks (ours took a lotttttt longer but thats a different story), whereas PR can take 12-24 months !!!!!

as before i'm not an expert and many will be able to advise more than i can.


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