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Are UK cycle helmets okay for Oz?


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kids are needing new cycle helmets but want to find out if I buy them in UK will they be acceptable for use in Australia. Don't want to waste money here if I have to buy new ones in a couple of months(she says ,thinking wishfully!)





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I would imagine the rules for a push bike helmet are the same as a motor bike helmet. Motor bikes helmets used here are to carry an Australian safety kite mark,, sadly UK ones don't have this as they (obviously,lol) have the UK Kite mark.

It is the same with childrens car seats too.


I would save your money and buy one once your here.


Cal x

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Guest alan_blue

you will be fine. has anyone ver seen a cyclist pulled over and asked to see if the helmet is australian lol

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Thanks for your replies.

I've been to Halfords and they stock the Bell make of helmets so will probably get them in UK....save some money!

I will need to get one for myself as well.....as a child of the 70's, I don't like wearing one! But have never let the kids go out without one! So will need to if it's the law!

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