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Leaving Soon


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The shippers are coming on Friday 22 june and we fly to singapore for 3 days on the 24th and arrive in Brisbane on the 28th. So I think I will maybe manage one or two more posts in the next 24hrs, after that it may be a while before becoming a regular again although I hope to check in when I can and even meet up if one gets organised. Non stp today witing for oh to come back with car so i can run down to the tip 5 or 6 times (guess what guys shes getting her bloody hair done ), car goes tomorrow living with just one has been bad enough never mind none, i suppose its only until sunday. One thing I hate paying for is taxis its about its costs about £2 a mile here, the aiport is about 20 miles or 20 mins drive and the cost £40, but hopefully this airport run will be last here for quite sometime.

Ok guys see you on the other side.

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Guest KP Nuts

All the very best to you and your family on the other side, please let us know now it goes.


Good luck, Safe Flight


KP Nuts:)

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Guest Els-Bells

WOW!!! you seem to be one of the lucky 1s who get their VISA really quick!!Were already 6 months in (ish) and still waiting for police checks to come through. Cant ever imagine us being in your position spending your final days in UK,seems like a lifetime away for us.



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Actually it took 6 months for our visa to come through, then we had to sell house so we have to make intial entry bfore the 14th of july. House has exchanged contracts but we dont complete until we have been in oz for about 10 days. This has not been easy and the wait for your visa is agonising ours came on 22nd of december, oh did not tell me to xmas day. Needless to say it was the greatest xmas ever for me and will take some beating in the suprise stakes. We go to a castle for xmas day and have done for the last 15 years sant usualy gives the kids a gift this year he gave me one too ! he only comes once a year but when he does he fills your stockings.

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Guest pippycol

hiya good luck with the move we are also going to brisbane we fly on the 8th of august and land on the 9th so we are not far behind you, we have sold the house and have to exchange on the 28th june the shippers are coming on the 27th june so then we will be dossing down with family. so i will not have acess to the net as much as i would like.

i will be using this site and folowing everyones adventure.



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