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Guest mollywhitear1

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Guest mollywhitear1

Hi Everyone,

I'm really worried about moving with the schools and people and everything and I'm just wondering if anyone would be able to give me any advice or if there is anyone in the same situation as me:unsure:. Were hopefully moving to Queensland and at the moment were waiting for visa's.


Last year I went on a holiday there and i LOVED it!! But as I said above I'm worried about people and schools.


Best Wishes from Molly xx :wink:

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Guest jayde

I m not a teenager but until one comes along, I think it is normal for anyone making big changes in their lives to have anxieties about the new chapter in their lives.


You have been there and loved it so stay positive and everything will fall into place. If you are optimistic about meeting new people and experiencing new places just rest assured by being happy to be there you will soon make new friends and find your way.


Good luck, with your great enthusiasm and happy personality you will do great

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Guest mollywhitear1


The message above was from me molly- mollywhitear1 but I didn't realize that it was still logged into my sister. From Molly xxx

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Hi Molly, my daughter was 11 when we moved here to WA. We knew the area we would be living in and the school that she would be going to, the principle of the school set my daughter up with a pen-pal before she arrived. The emailed/msn'd for a few months before her arrival, she was introduced to other people in the class and also got to hear about the school and the teachers ... it meant that although she was still a bit anxious on her first day, she was also excited at meeting her new friends. If your mum/dad know which school you may be going to .. perhaps they could approach the principle and set something similar up for you?


By the way, she's 15 now and has loved school since day 1 here. Hope it all goes well for you too.


Ali x

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Guest mollywhitear1

Hi Ali,

Thanks soo much for the advice! My dad sent an email to the school were probably going to but we haven't got a reply yet.


I no a few people over there when i went on holiday there, i think it was last year, and I made a friend when we were down at the beach and i keep in contact with her. We've also got friends and family out there and our friends boys go to the school we might be going to.

Since I joined poms in oz, ivefelt better about going and not so worried, i do hope it goes well!!


Love molly xx

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