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what should i expect ...??

Guest sutsy100

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Guest sutsy100

hi im danielle,

ive only just signed up on here because my mum finds it really interesting because obvs we are moving to australia.its my first time writing soo we are moving to the north of brisbane. is any-body else moving there with a daughter around the age of 11 ???


im excited but scared at the same time and dont know what to expect, how to react and how to settle in because im not that kind of girl that can just walk up to people and say " hi im danielle whats your name , can i be your friend? " and walk of as bff's can some-one help me and give me some advice ... id really appreciate any-ones help ??xx



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Hi and welcome to PIO.


My daughter was 11 when we moved to Perth, she was upset at leaving her friends behind but also excited at living in a new country. My daughter also wasn't an over confident person, so as we knew the area and school she'd be going to be asked the principle if he could sort a pen pal out for her. This helped a lot as they chatted on MSN and she got introduced to other people who would be in her year, so even though she'd never met anyone in person before her first day - they were all looking forward to meeting each other.


Good luck with your move.


Ali x

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