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Sponsorship (form 40 question 44)

Guest ozhh

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Guest ozhh

Hi trying to get a bigger view on this! Our sponsor has a 2 bed aprt. We are afamily of 6. We will rent once out there, but on the form how much detail do we have to go into? How important is this question? Is our sponsor getting worried for no reason?

Any ideas?



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  • 2 weeks later...

All they need to do is fill it in honestly, i do not know how much weight it gives, they should put yes to the will they live you you question, it does not mean permantly it just means at first.


Are you using and agent or doing it youself?

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  • 4 years later...

The purpose of the question is to ensure the sponsor has thought about where his/her relstives will stay when they arrive, rather that first think about it on the way to the airport. In your circumstances an acceptable answer is to say I will arrange accommadation for my family, you need give no more detail than that.

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