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Immigration Opponent Speaks


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TRADITIONS based on heritage, sporting culture and common language are threatened by mass immigration, a leading demographer has warned.


Monash University population expert Dr Bob Birrell has said the huge influx of people with few or no English skills had created social problems in Melbourne suburbs such as Dandenong, Sunshine and Broadmeadows and most major cities were feeling the population strain, the Herald Sun reported.



Never mind poor white trash riots in Carnegie, Melbourne, at weekend?



At best for those who want a return to monochrome inward looking Australia of white bread, Aussie Rules and Rugby league, meat and three veg, beer and only English....


Personally I find these views absolutely offensive and insulting to most if not all Australians, especially of NESB background. Similar to those propagated in 1930s Europe, and assumes that old Australia smelt of roses never mind high rates of assault, depression, suicide, alcohol abuse, aboriginal issues etc. You would think that Australians were racist?

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Personally I agree with what has been said, we need a diverse population but we also need a balanced population and importing people who do not speak our language or want to integrate or allow their children to integrate are not good migrants they are just taking a loan of the country in my view.


Being a Brit we have our own culture do we not, however I leave it at the door when I go out and get back into it when I come home. I eat my fish and chips from paper, love my pork pies, bacon and eggs, yorkshire pud etc

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