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Can my parents join me?


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Hi I was wondering if someone could give me some advice? I know this is a thread on CPV but i need some info on non-CPV. i'm currently awaiting on my 175 visa being granted which should be sometime within the next couple months and my parents would love to come over and live in oz once they retire. They are 58 and 60 at the moment. The only prob is there is no way they can afford to pay the massive fee for the CPV so are having to resort to the non contributory. Has anyone any ideas how long this is taking now and also can they use the 12 month temporary visas while they are waiting all those years for their visa to be granted or is there a restriction on how many temporary visas your allowed to apply for?



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Guest guest36187

Laura: I have moved this into a thread on its own so that it doesnt get lost in the other one!


Hopefully someone will be along to answer your queries

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The non contributory parent visa takes a really long time. I have no personal experience of of but I understand it is a good ten years.


Your parents would not be able to live in Australia on a series of tourist visas in the meantime. I don't believe there is a set number that people are allowed, the visa is granted for tourist reasons and if DIAC believe that the intent is not tourism they might decline the visa. Some people might not even get the first one.


Sorry this is not the answer you were hoping for.

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Guest Guest31881

I am no expert on the non cpv, but from threads on here in the past I believe it is 8 to 10 year wait. Your parents can use a visitor visa to see you, But I recall seeing something about parents being refused a visitor visa because they had used the 12 month visa option too often and imigratoin believed they were using them to live in Australia. How about 6 month visa each year, spend summer in UK and winter in Australia with you.


I am sure there are members who have posted on this before and they may be able to offer more informed advice.

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Guest Gollywobbler
Hi I was wondering if someone could give me some advice? I know this is a thread on CPV but i need some info on non-CPV. i'm currently awaiting on my 175 visa being granted which should be sometime within the next couple months and my parents would love to come over and live in oz once they retire. They are 58 and 60 at the moment. The only prob is there is no way they can afford to pay the massive fee for the CPV so are having to resort to the non contributory. Has anyone any ideas how long this is taking now and also can they use the 12 month temporary visas while they are waiting all those years for their visa to be granted or is there a restriction on how many temporary visas your allowed to apply for?




Hi Laura


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


You are describing the offshore Parent subclass 103 visa. The wait at the moment is at least 10 years and it could be 12 or more years by the time that your parents are able to apply for a Parent visa.


The reason is because only 1,400 visas are currently available each year and there are already at least 14,000 Parents patiently waiting for this visa.


Parent Visa Processing Priorities - Family - Visas & Immigration


When you submit your Parent application, the Parents Visa Centre (PVC) acknowledge the application pretty quickly. The last time I heard, they are taking about 16 months from the date of lodgement to assess the application and assign a formal Queue Date.


Yes, once your Parents have retired and have the time, they would be able to spend up to a year at a time in Oz on long stay tourist visas. They could also visit Oz before they retire if you and they wish. The appropriate visa would be decided by how long they want to spend in Oz on each visit.


DIAC get stroppy if Parents are using a series of back-to-back long stay tourist visas for the purpose of living in Oz permanently as opposed merely to visiting their children. However there is a clear Policy that Parent applicants with a queue date should be allowed to spend up to 12 months at a time in Oz if they so wish.


Please remember that you must be "settled" in Australia before your parents can apply for subclass 103 Parent Visas. Although Alan Collett of Go Matilda has described Contributory Parent visas in his article below, the principles which he describes apply equally to non-contributory Parents as well.


Go Matilda - Your Gateway to Australia - News


Another thing to bear in mind is this:


At the moment your Parents is/are working in the UK. However they will retire quite a while before a Parent 103 visa can be granted. What they could do would be to apply for the offshore visa fairly quickly, to get the time-ball rolling and to give them a sense that something will definitely happen sometime.


If they wanted to, once they have retired and one of them is old enough, they could consider an onshore application for an Aged Parent visa instead. It would mean an extra first application fee and might well take just as long to finalise, but please see the thread below:


Cheap Parent Visas Part I - Poms In Adelaide


There are pros and cons with everything in this life. A number of Contributory Parent applicants are not far off a position of getting a case officer and having their applications finalised. However they have taken a hit on the prices of their homes in the UK plus the exchange rate is lousy, so quite a few of them have pulled out of their CPV applications and are now waiting for non-contributory Parent visas instead. They can always apply for CPVs later if things improve in the UK.





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DIAC get stroppy if Parents are using a series of back-to-back long stay tourist visas for the purpose of living in Oz permanently as opposed merely to visiting their children. However there is a clear Policy that Parent applicants with a queue date should be allowed to spend up to 12 months at a time in Oz if they so wish.



Another thing to bear in mind is this:


At the moment your Parents is/are working in the UK. However they will retire quite a while before a Parent 103 visa can be granted. What they could do would be to apply for the offshore visa fairly quickly, to get the time-ball rolling and to give them a sense that something will definitely happen sometime.


If they wanted to, once they have retired and one of them is old enough, they could consider an onshore application for an Aged Parent visa instead. It would mean an extra first application fee and might well take just as long to finalise, but please see the thread below:



Hi Gill thanks very much for your reply and your advice it was very helpful.


Just got another couple of queries from your reply. You say that once a parent visa has been lodged the parents are the entitled to stay in oz for at least up to a year. How long between each visa would they allow. I understand that your not allowed to use the tourist visas to stay permanently in oz but we would love my parents to spend as much time as possible with us when we go. We just don't know how many times they'd be allowed to apply for the 12 months visas.


The other point you made was about applying for the offshore visa fairly quickly to get the time ball rolling. But do they not still have to wait until we're settled before they can apply?


Sorry bout all the questions it just confuses and frustrates me and i would love to find another way of getting my parents over there with us without having to wait 12 years or paying £35,000 which is just not possible.


Cheers Laura:sad:

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