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How much longer will it take???


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Hi every one,


i'm sorry if I go on a bit, but I'm so fustrated!


I am a registered nurse and applied for a 1 7 5 visa on the 07/04/09, i thought that we would probably have a visa by December after looking at this site and time lines.


We were allocated a case officer on the 23/09/09, and found out by accident when I rang to check whether some docs had uploaded.

When I told them I wasn't aware of this, I received a letter via email sent on behalf of the case officer (who works part time).

The letter asked us to have the medicals and police cheks done, and complete form 80 for myself husband son and daughter, within 28 days ,which we did.


Since then, and after several phone calls everything has been changed to met /finalised (on the 7th and 15th of december), except for the issue of dependence, and Form 47, for my son who is 23 and at university.

I have submitted everything I can think of including the form in his support.


It is here everything stops, I rang them before christmas and was told that everything is in place and I would hear in the new year!

I rang again at the begining of last week and was told who knows when we would hear, and had everything been sent.

I confirmed that it had been uploaded and was listed on the documents page.

She also said she would send an email to the caseworker to see if she needed anything else!


The additional dilemna is that my husband has the chance of a severance package from his work, but he has to give a final decision as to whether to accept it by the end of January.

This could be a good financial cushion to us, as our 2 children would initailly stay in the uk to complete their university courses.

On the flip side of this, if he accepts it and we don't get a visa he will have given up secure relatively well paid employment.


This is so fustrating/ worrying /annoying. I just wish she would say yes or no. so we can get on with ou lives.


Sorry about the rant but if anyone can give any advice as to what to do please reply!!.

I don't know whether to ring again or email ,or will I just antagonise her!!



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Not sure what to suggest.....didn't want your question to go unanswered.... have you got your C/O's email or direct line... could you try speaking with him/her directly...obviously if there is a chance of you getting your visa in the next couple of weeks, then you'd want your OH to take this severance package.


Did you use an agent or do the application yourselves?


Hopefully bumping up this thread will get a better response for you?

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Thanks for replying.

There is an email address but it is a general one for 'team 3', I did ask to speak to her when I rang once but was told that I couldn't.

We have applied ouselves on line and it all seemed ok up to the last few months!!

Hopefully one of the agents or experienced PIO'ers could shed some light for me!!



Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :))

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Guest needingtogo

hmmmmmm, I am also with team three and have been waiting for a long time for my 176 CSL visa. Very frustrating. We did manage to get a message from another CO in that team to tell us our CO was on holiday until today!!!!!!!



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We are Team 3 too and have been waiting a while for a 176 CSL visa, who is your CO (ours is ST), maybe the long holidays could explain a bit.



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Guest needingtogo



Looks like we have different COs in the same team but I do have the same one as the original poster Z&P.

Perhaps we are in the part time workers team!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on team 3 you can do it!



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