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How long now??


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How long does it take now to get the golden ticket??


I have a CO, the medicals have finalised but we are still waiting for her to give a decision.

The website says everything is met except the police checks and the question of dependency for my 23 year old son who is at university.

All of this information had to be submitted by the 22 November, but she hasn't looked at it yet according to my latest telephone call last week.

I think the trouble is she works part time, and the christmas holiday season is looming. I just wonder whether they have deadlines to meet?


Sorry for venting my ramblings but it is sooooo fustrating!!!:arghh:

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Guest chris_mac

Anytime now z&p!


Frustrating waiting isnt it .... but it does happen and will happen soon and when it does it will be smiles around!


Try not to think abut it (as hard as it is) and when you least expect it!


Good luck



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It's hard to be patient when it could be a life changing decision.

Now I know what everybody else was talking about when they say they became obsessed with checking emails and the web site!

I think i'm more unsettled because we don't know what decision will be made with regard to my son!

Any way I'll just have to wait.................

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Guest chris_mac

We where exactly the same with our son who was 18. The DIAC are very considerate and would only exclude your son under extreme circumstances. We had to jump through hoops to.. One condition on the visa was that he was not allowed to get married before he arrived in Oz.. lmaso! Who would want to marry a spotty ugly bone idle teenager of mine!



Try to relax and dont worry about anything, if anything is wrong the DIAC would have contacted you in the first instance!


And... Once you do get the Visa thats when things get really scary because it all become real! Real real!



Best wishes



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I'm sorry I'm about to vent my fustrations....................

Today all of our documents have been changed to met except for 'evidence of dependency and form 47 for my son.

If the case officer can change most of the docs to met why can't she just make a decision and put us out of our misery???

We just want a decision so we can party celebrate:anisanta: and have a good christmas.


Sorry for the moaning I know we should be patient, but like every body has said before it's so hard when your life is in their hands!!

So heres praying:angel_happy_face_ha.

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