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criminal record

collie 1979

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Can anyone help?

Ive just applied for a e457 business sponsored visa,i got 120 hrs community service when i was 18,12 years ago and I've never been in trouble since,I've declared it on my application,but the problem is I've been to Australia 3 times on a tourist visa and not declared my criminal record,the first time i went to Australia was 2005 which was 7 years after i done my community service,i was under the understanding that after 5 years of the crime passing your criminal record gets cleared,it was a honest mistake it was only when i done some research for my 457 visa i found out it gets spent after 5 years but you still have to declare it, whats the best thing to do now?should i tell my case officer now or wait?has any one else been in this position and had there visa denied,I'm a honest person it was a genuine mistake I'm worried I'm not going to get in now.

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Can anyone help?

Ive just applied for a e457 business sponsored visa,i got 120 hrs community service when i was 18,12 years ago and I've never been in trouble since,I've declared it on my application,but the problem is I've been to Australia 3 times on a tourist visa and not declared my criminal record,the first time i went to Australia was 2005 which was 7 years after i done my community service,i was under the understanding that after 5 years of the crime passing your criminal record gets cleared,it was a honest mistake it was only when i done some research for my 457 visa i found out it gets spent after 5 years but you still have to declare it, whats the best thing to do now?should i tell my case officer now or wait?has any one else been in this position and had there visa denied,I'm a honest person it was a genuine mistake I'm worried I'm not going to get in now.

we are in the same boat as my son has received a caution (17 years old) police checks already done before caution

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I'm in exactly the same position - although I haven't submitted the forms for my defacto visa as yet. I asked the advice of a migration agent and was told that "although DIAC could kick up a fuss, they're very unlikely to". Would love to hear the outcome of your application...

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This sounds exactly like something I did.


I have record from about 15 years ago just kid stuff plus a drug conviction for pocession,

Came to Oz about three times on tourist then finally working holiday, never admitted to crim record on airport plane questionaire.


Eventually was asked why no declaration when processing 442 visa onshore.


I just thought, this is a load of bollox, they cant be serious so


my answer was, did not think it was nessassary, none of their business, and have been honest and upfront in all my other applications when asked about crim convictions, plus you are going to have to get the police crim record check certificate anyhow when you apply for other visas, so it will all come up.


And I suppose, as long as you have no violent conviction, sex crime, war crime, long time since conviction, demonstartable proof of turning life around, blah blah, you might be alright.


get an agent who is mara registered and they'll tell you what to write.

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Guest londonboi27



I want to go to Australia with my friend but he has a criminal record. He spent 3 months on prison, out of a nine month sentence, for faulse accounting (which is basically stealing money). The sentence was 3 years ago, so the conviction has been spent. Does anyone kjnow whether my friend will still be able to get a tourist visa to visit Oz or will he not be allowed in because of his previous criminal conviction? Thanks for any help anyone can give m here.

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