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Guest jason brickie

Well funny you should ask that! we have been sitting here tonight wondering if the £60,000 that we will free up when we sell the house is going to be enough, obviously we dont want to wast it as we plan on using it for a deposit on a house. It has to be enough I suppose.........

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Hi. We have spent about £6k on flights for 2, shipping out a container and sending 1 dog ( must be 1st class because he cost almost £2k.) and we will have about £75k when we land in Oct. This is our whole life so its got to work lol, im 42 and wife is 51 so dont really want 25 year mortgages but will see what happens.

My step daughter, husband and 3 kids are going over with about £15k so they really got there work cut out lol

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With respect, this is a bit of a "piece of string" question because everyone's circumstances are different.


When I came over 2 years ago, I brought £30,000 with me which translated into about $72,000. In my case this was plenty generous and let us easily do everything we wanted.


However...the details of my case:


-Tickets bought and paid for before I came up with the £30K figure.


-Retired and with a monthly pension so our "living money" was separate from the cash.


-Shipped only a couple of palets of stuff so had to buy most household bits new here.


-Wasn't buying a house so no deposits (other than renter) to worry about.


In our case, this amount easily covered all the incidentals (hotels and holiday lets, then getting established) including buying furniture, appliances and a car...and even gave us a couple of "generous" Christmases. However, if it had needed to tide us over for living money while looking for work, things might have been different.



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